
sparkymaine is recommended by Ricotewrestler (8/04/2018)

Fun guy to wrestle. His lanky physique makes long this guy tricky as he has limbs for days and you need to work around to catch him in something. Def want to wrestle again and longer .


AthensWrestling is recommended by wrstlarturo (8/04/2018)

J’ai rencontré AthensWrestling à Athènes il y a qq
Années... tout de suite nous avons matche l’un avec l’autre! C’est un lutteur puissant et viril, très costaud
Des bras et du tronc. Nous avons bien sue ensemble
Et nous sommes bien dépensés l’un contre l’autre
Avec force et volonté de vaincre.
En dehors des tapis, un beau grec très sympa et correct, super fiable. Je le recommande sans hésiter!
A refaire très vite, d’homme à homme :-) !!


Rocket is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

Met up with Rocket at Thunderdome. He got out the boxing gloves and pounded on my gut a bit. Up for a rematch!


DC VAmat is recommended by restlerva (8/04/2018)

Great time wrestling this guy. He's a terrific host and loves to set up a pro experience. We battled back and forth until ultimately I stole the champ's belt. We'll need a rematch to settle this once and for all. Def recommend if you visit Charleston.


Youngcub47 is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

Lost a brief match with Youngcub47 at Thunderdome. He is strong and knowledgeable, and is always in control of himself, so I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to improve their wrestling skills.

Looking forward to our next encounter.


Wrestling Beast is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

Wrestled Wrestling_Beast at Thunderdome. Finally getting around to writing recommendations; and just now noticing that I pretty much lost to everyone I wrestled ;-)

Very much enjoyed this encounter, and looking forward to rolling in the future.


chicagopiledriver is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

Wrestled chicagopiledriver at Thunderdome and got bossed around. I used to wrestle with him a long time ago in Chicago. Since then I've wrestled him once or twice, and he keeps getting bigger and stronger. Basically had no answer for his big guns.


pecs44 is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

We wrestled at Thunderdome. Very much enjoyed our match, strong and controlled, safe and sane, but a real challenge for me. Looking forward to our next match!


Ricotewrestler is recommended by sparkymaine (8/04/2018)

I wrestled with Ricotewrestler at Thunderdome. He uses his size quite well, I got submitted but I'm looking forward to the rematch!


wrstlarturo is recommended by AthensWrestling (8/04/2018)

wrstlarturo est un lutteur très motivé, fort, expérimenté, qui connait bien de techniques. Et une personne amicale et chaleureuse. C'était un grand plaisir de lutter avec lui.
