
Jabi is recommended by sagittaron2 (11/03/2018)

I had such a great time wrestling with Jabi during my stay in Madrid. He looks very sexy in his speedos 😊 and I had a lot of fun rolling with him. He is a very nice, respectful and smiling guy, and we also had great and friendly discussions around a glass of wine. Do not hesitate to meet him, he is totally recommended. I look forward to meet him again.


BigBlueBull is recommended by SalzPeter (11/03/2018)

The most memorable part of my trip to South Africa and Joburg!!
This man is a powerhouse and fun to be with!!
If you ever do find yourself in South Africa do contact him and arrange a meet.
I can't wait for our rematch 😉👍💪


sagittaron2 is recommended by Jabi (11/02/2018)

After a time without fighting I could not have started again better than with this fighter. a totally recommendable person do not hesitate to have a meeting with him, you will have a great time fighting. He is also a very nice person. I'm looking forward to repeating.


AD idf is recommended by Kaiser (11/02/2018)

Un grand merci à AD pour m'avoir consacré une partie de sa soirée. Organisé, méthodique et prévoyant, on peut compter sur lui pour une séance de jeu hyper safe. Pas de match possible avec cet expert hors catégorie. Alain m'a impressionné par sa technique, son savoir et sa puissance, mais aussi par sa bienveillance et son envie de faire progresser son partenaire.
Pas de match donc mais un cours en bonne et due forme et surtout une bonne leçon d'humilité. C'est dans ces moments là que l'on reconnaît les louveteaux des chefs de meute.
En dehors du tapis AD est aussi agréable qu'intéressant, avec le calme olympien qui le caractérise. Une très belle rencontre et une excellente recommandation.


Raufmaniac76 is recommended by Ginler (11/02/2018)

Raufmaniac und ich haben uns relativ spontan nach der Arbeit getroffen.
Nach einem kurzen Snack und Rundgang in der Altstadt ging es auch schon fix auf die Matte. Unser Kampf war zu Beginn relativ ausgeglichen, wobei zugegebenermaßen Raufmaniac zum Ende hin die Nase vorne hatte.

Kurz gesagt ist er super gastfreundlich und vorbehaltlos zu empfehlen!


Smallbutstrong1981 is recommended by LAbackBreaker (11/02/2018)

It's hard to turn down a smaller guy when he's so determined and confident to take on a bigger guy - I knew he would be fun to manhandle. He loans you a pair of MMA gloves knowing what's coming to him - I respect that. After throwing some jabs I'd pick him up by the ankles and watch him dangle in the air before dropping him on the mat and then crushing him with all my weight and more relentless jabs - and he keeps coming back for more. Was a fun time.


donner1 is recommended by jimbo (11/02/2018)

Is was a real pleasure to meet and wrestle Donner1.
He is a true gentleman and nice guy. His pictures do not do him justice - he is phenomenally strong and likes rough rassling, just as I do. We were limited on time but had af a great sweaty session and I cannot wait for the rematch


musclechris80 is recommended by Younggun (11/02/2018)

Really friendly and very easy to organise a wrestle. As everyone else has said, his body is impressive, far better than his photos. Chris was kind enough to show me some holds, before unleashing them on me over and over. Hit up this beast if you’re in Athens!


Wrestlingfan14 is recommended by Anuluan (11/02/2018)

I had a great match with Wrestlingfan14, he applied many moves and tricks to pin me. Regardless of the small space we adapted to it and wrestled 9 rounds, even we could tried some strengths test. He has strong legs and very defined arms. He is a polite guy and we had a really good chat after the match. It will be great to have a chance to wrestle him again!


jimbo is recommended by donner1 (11/02/2018)

Jimbo and I met and had a great time. We were limited time wise but we each submitted the other. GOOD wrestler and I am sure if we had more time, would have showed me some more moves. I think we were well matched and either of us could have pinned the other. I look forward to returning to Austin or meeting Jimbo again, perhaps in PA.
Had a sweaty time and he is very strong!! Good guy to meet and wrestle.
