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Nonofight is recommended by Lutteur-PA (5/06/2019)

Au programme de mon après-midi: un savoyard bien costaud pour une bonne séance de lutte!!
Avant tout: une sacrée puissance au niveau des bras!! Quand il aura suffisamment confiance en la puissance de ses jambes, ça va faire mal :-)
Sa récente expérience en club lui permet d'avoir une bonne résistance qui rend évidemment la confrontation intéressante.
L'expérience qu'il devrait acquérir dans les prochains mois va en faire un redoutable guerrier des tapis!! Alors, gare à ses prochains adversaires!!


Syrwrestler is recommended by randywrstl (5/06/2019)

Do not miss this guy if you are in the Syracuse area! He is a great combinations of skill, strength and class.


Bearmaker is recommended by rock20087 (5/06/2019)

Wrestled Bear in a hotel match when he was visiting DC. He may be recent to BJJ but he's got the strength of that bear and his bearhugs show it big time. Strong and methodical, one of his choke holds is bound to get you to tap.
Nice guy in and out of battle. Look forward to hosting him on mats the next time he's in town. Highly recommend to contact him whenever you're in Miami.


rasslin bodybuilder is recommended by ocmuscle (5/06/2019)

Wow what can I say but this man is HUGE! A total bodybuilder physique, huge arms and huge chest! Huge everything. We had blast posing and flexing our muscle before we started to wrestle. This guy likes to crank the holds, they are real and really hurt! He stretched me good. A very fun time with this guy. If big muscles are your thing hit him up!


suig is recommended by JJAllen (5/06/2019)

A gentleman and a scholar! :p Very kind guy who's accommodating, but turns out beastly on the mat. I got caught off guard by how strong his holds and blows were. Had me pretty beat up. I almost got jobbed out, but then I gave him an extended taste of my legs and bulge, and that did the trick ;) We had a good pretty back-and-forth match with domination on both ends. Formidable wrestler.


Lutteur-PA is recommended by Nonofight (5/06/2019)

Merci beaucoup à Lutteur-PA d'avoir fait le chemin jusqu'en Savoie pour un après-midi de lutte corps à corps.
On m'avait prévenu qu'il était très fort et très sympa.
Il est puissant des bras et des jambes et possède beaucoup de technique mais il sait adapter ses connaissances lorsqu'il est face à son adversaire.
J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à lutter avec lui même si je n'ai pas réussi souvent à prendre l'avantage.
Je souhaite vraiment renouveler cette rencontre dès que possible.
Quoi qu'il en soit je vous conseille de le rencontrer quelque soit votre gabarit ou votre niveau il saura faire de votre rencontre un moment très agréable.


muscularwrestler is recommended by ARG (5/06/2019)

so schnell ist noch nie ein treffen zustande gekommen wie mit muscularwrestler , muscularwrestler ist ein starker gut bebauter kerl mit einem tollen muskulösen body, nach ein paar starken fightrunden, die nicht immer gut für mich ausgingen, hatten wir noch einige griffe ausprobiert wie man den gegner am besten niederringt, es war ein sehr cooles treffen mit einem sehr netten und sympatischen typen, hast riesen spass gemacht, muscularwrestler ist auf jedenfall zu empfehlen, traut euch;)


rock20087 is recommended by Bearmaker (5/06/2019)

I had a nice, sweaty match with Rock20087 in a hotel room on my recent trip to DC. It was a lot of fun rolling around and testing each other's strength. Next time I hope we can do it on mats and have more room to throw each other around.

I highly recommend Rock20087 for anyone in or visiting the DC area. He puts up a good fight and seems to be able to go on forever. looking forward to my next DC trip so we can grapple some more.


leicswrestle is recommended by MaxLong (5/06/2019)

A very strong and enthusiastic opponent.
Extremely polite, reliable and genuine. Cannot say how comfortable and safe I felt.
Very humble and more than happy to fight again.


MaxLong is recommended by Ironbull (5/06/2019)

Max and I had a brief roll at a group meet in Barnet. As he is properly trained in BJJ it was interesting and I can entirely relate to his approach. I have no BJJ or formal grappling training so the encounter was not really combative. Thought provoking nonetheless.

When I .meet someone like Max I am reminded that, in any martial art, real satisfaction comes from a dedication to learning and having access to good coaching.
