kimmetje's blog

Hey guys,

Thanks again everyone for your support during this highly frustrating time. I had my post-operation consultation with my surgeon yesterday. We were able to take off bandages and stitches are nearly all gone already.

I'm still not allowed to work, or engage in wrestling or other sports asides from indoor cycling. Nonetheless, I've got some good mobility on the clavicle already, so it's all evolving quite well, just hope it will be fast enough to face some Americans when I come over ;)

In any case, it's progressing, that's the most important!

Last edited on 13/9/2019 13:04 by kimmetje; 2 comment(s)

Home again

Hey guys,

Good news, i had a good operation on Friday and was allowed to go home the next day. I now have to be patient, relax and just heal for the next few weeks and hopefully can come back to wrestling around mid September. Fingers crossed.

Appreciate all the support and warm comments, you guys are the best supporters one can hope for and look forward to making up for lost time on the mats!

Until then hope you all will keep wrestling, fighting whilst having fun!


Last edited on 26/8/2019 00:17 by kimmetje; 20 comment(s)

Hey everyone,

I wanted to thank the MF community, my MF friends and past adversaries for your words of support.

So my fracture is pretty bad and i will be operated on Friday and out of action for at least a month. It's going to drive me nuts being glued to my sofa whilst recovering but thanks again guys for being with me on this unexpected journey!


Last edited on 21/8/2019 09:59 by kimmetje; 10 comment(s)

Little hiccup

Hey fellow MeetFighters friends,

Bad news, i had a bad crash on my bike today. Fractured a clavicle and will most likely be out of action for some weeks!

What a bummer, but I hope to be back in action soon.

Last edited on 13/8/2019 23:32 by kimmetje; 21 comment(s)