kimmetje's blog

Hey guys,

Curious how everyone is doing. Belgium's announced another lockdown as, I suspect, many European countries will in the coming weeks with the numbers being so horrendous. I managed to catch COVID-19 myself a couple weeks back, but don't you worry, I got it out of my system within a few weeks and was even able to get back to doing sports this week.

Whilst I await new wrestling challenges, the Law allowing us to wrestle in the first place, and more, I guess I have to focus on my other sport of predilection... cycling here we cum!

Hope you guys are all doing well, and that at least someone is wrestling. Let me know if you've had a wonderful meet recently, and don't hesitate to book me for a future session, right. right? ;)

Last edited on 31/10/2020 22:38 by kimmetje; 15 comment(s)

Je croise les doigts car le 1er juillet devrait etre la date que les mesures de deconfinement autoriseront la reprise des sports de contact! En tous cas, j'ai des maillots de lutte a tester! :) Qui veux lutter avec moi en juillet et en aout en Belgique? ;)

Crossing fingers cause the 1st July is the date when deconfinement measures in Belgium should re-allow contact sports! In any case, I have new wrestling singlets to test! Anyone wanna wrestle me in July and August in Belgium?

Last edited on 08/6/2020 01:02 by kimmetje; 19 comment(s)

Hey MeetFighter guys (and ladies),

It's amazing how it only takes a broken bone to kind of put a damper in all of your fitness plans. Back mid august, a very silly cycling accident left me bed ridden for the better part of two months. It took a surgery to get the bones back in alignment, and 7 pins and a brace to keep the bones from moving out of alignment again. Not being able to really do any sports hasn't done wonders for my weight either although I'm now battling to get it back down to the numbers I had when wrestling and cycling intensively.

In any case, I just wanted to thank the MF community for all of the support during the ordeal, it's been great receiving so many get well messages and people keeping tabs on my recovery (self interested perhaps? ^_^ ). Anyway just wanted to give a general post to say that a couple weeks ago my surgeon gave me the all clear, the fracture's healed well and now I have to start to progressively get back to my normal sporting activities including wrestling.

I'm really looking forward to 2020 and meeting more guys from the MF community. I'm excited that I'll have a chance to meet guys in India, the US, Canada and hopefully more countries will get added to the destination list too! I'm looking forward to getting back to full fitness and doing it together with you guys!

Let's wrestle on!

Last edited on 19/12/2019 08:30 by kimmetje; 13 comment(s)