Insecurities: Why (Not) Me?
Today, we are going to talk about meetups. Specifically my experience here, but by extension, yours (well, some of you).
In particular, following this entry about bodies, we should talk about the next logical thing which is choice or why do people pick who they pick or don't. That's usually pretty simple stuff, but our ego tends to get in the way. Without that, we have:
- People who wrestle competitively.
- People who wrestle for fun.
- People who "wrestle for sex"
The third is in quotes here because some people can be very erotic in their wrestling and have no interest in intercourse. Most of these three things exist on a spectrum; people are rarely purely one or another of these things because we're not simple like that which brings up a major point:
Some people wrestle people just because they are attracted to them physically. Again, no interest in intercourse, but they must be attracted to the people they wrestle on a physical level. This is where we get people who have an unusually long list of qualifiers for people they wrestle.
So now we get to the point of this entry which is: Why won't this person wrestle me? I'm mad about it. There's no reason they shouldn't.
Here's the thing, right: We should wrestle or work to wrestle with people that want to wrestle with us. The rest can go provided they aren't being awful. The exchanges and frustrations we feel could easily be lessened by simply wrestling people who are interested in wrestling with us.
Additionally, being aware of your audience is key. If you're going to be dealing with highly competitive people, there's going to be a level of fitness you'll need to have. If you're dealing with more erotic things, your appearance and the attraction between you and another person will be a factor.
That is going to be a thing with any person on the site and that is fine. People can just not wrestle people and that not be an offensive thing. Disappointing? Certainly, but it's not something that we should punish someone for nor something that warrants punishment. We only have so much time and that should be used to embrace that which embraces us back. I have emails in my inbox right now where I said, "Wanna wrestle" and got a "no thank you" back. I have just as many where nothing has been said at all in response for months. Each of those get treated the same: a clear note to move on to whatever else is happening out here because as important and cool as we all know we are, we just aren't going to appeal to everyone.
That's OK. We don't have to. We only have to appeal to the ones we're "meant for" where the comraderie is there and the bonds built will be strong. It's almost like romance except it isn't... most of the time.
KSpan (2)
06/3/2018 22:18Very true. I had an older guy here in my city that initially seemed highly interested, and then vanished. I didn't pursue contact. I simply interpreted it as a loss of interest since he appears to like matches with much younger guys. That's OK. Preferences vary from person to person.
theventure (13)
05/3/2018 13:43Makes sense.
Bamm-Bamm (100 )
04/3/2018 07:00Exactly. It’s as simple as that. Nice write-up.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
04/3/2018 05:12Great stuff. Logic and clarity. Should be required reading.
Slim66 (14)
04/3/2018 02:14Well stated. This is one of the most profound blogs that I have read, yet one of the most simplistic blogs that I have read. Thank you for that clarification.