AMA: Lion Interviews II OR Everything To Date Ever

Inspired by a chat a couple of nights ago, I'm going to give you the keys to the kingdom. Here's an answer to as many questions I can think of being asked so that you don't have to re-ask them and we can talk about fun things like my favorite places to shop.

  • Are you aggressive? When I'm in that mood, yes. Normally, I'm chill as fuck.
  • Do you like to wrestle seriously? Well, I seriously enjoy it if that's what you mean.
  • Yeah, but do you like to win? Don't care. If I win, awesome. If not, awesome. I want to have fun, learn, test myself, and grow. You can do that whether you win or lose.
  • What are you into? Most guys here like sub, so I've done more of that. Am I open to other things? Yup. Have I done them? Not really. Feel free to volunteer your time to amend that if you want.
  • You into erotic or whatever? Eh. I can take or leave it. It's an interesting aside, but not a focus and people insisting on it being so is frustrating.
    • So can we fuck? No. That's on reserve.
    • That makes you sound like a prude. OK. Let's move along.
  • So why do you wrestle? To have fun, make friends, learn, test myself, and get that exercise. Plus, it's a nice break from routine.
  • Do you box? I don't really, but I wouldn't mind it.
  • Do you like to fight hard? That's for enemies. If you want me to come at you like my life depends on it and I have to knock you out, then you'll need to speak to someone else.
  • Are you competitive? That more about the tone of the match. I'll step up whatever tone is set and agreed to as long as we keep it safe and respectful.
  • Are you good? Exactly how do you expect me to answer that? I don't know what the standards are around here, so if you want to know what I can do: fight me.
    • Are you strong? Fight me and find out.
    • Are you skilled? Fight me and decide for yourself.
    • Are you good at boxing/sub/pro/standup? Fight me and assess that.
  • Can you host? Sure. As long as I have my own hotel room or you're in NC.
  • Do you ever get out to [insert place]? I can go anywhere I want with enough time and planning. If you want to meet up, just talk to me about a plan and let's do the thing. Assuming I'm interested, things go pretty quick.
  • Are you one of those people that are into [insert thing]? Refer to my profile for details.
  • I like your profile pictures. Thanks!
  • You have a nice body. Appreciated. I'm working on it, but cheeseburgers are so hard to give up.
  • Do you cyber? No. Not my thing.
    • What about phone? No.

Hope you enjoyed. If you have extra questions that aren't covered here, let me know.

Last edited on 26/12/2022 22:50 by synxiec
