
SeanMCP is recommended by bearohio (22/7/2020)

Amazing wrestler. Had an opportunity to wrestle a couple of hours with this beast while he was in town for business. Tough guy with great holds and stamina. Great guy on and off the mats. Great host and a great time. Highly recommend.


DavidVdw is recommended by aggroproll (22/7/2020)

DavidVdw is a real cute guy. We met with noby and some other fighters together to have a longer session. We were first on the mat so our motivation was very high. He is my weight class and was a quite strong opponent, while I started quite relaxed he easily got the mount, and made a technically perfect Franchesa submission. Afterwards he told me that he just started BJJ, so there is more to come! I think in a few month he will be able to applay a lot of techniques and defense will get harder.

I hope to meet him again, to see the progress and have fun again!


fgt-91 is recommended by Dublinw82 (22/7/2020)

Had a good match with him. Very competitive and he is a strong guy. He definitely has more knowledge than me but wasn’t enough for him to come out on top. I am looking forward to beating him again next time. Off the mats a nice guy and easy to get on with. Definitely recommend


dan9692 is recommended by StrongGrapplerLondon (22/7/2020)

Great meeting. He is incredibly strong and has very good natural wrestling responses. It will be good to meet him in the future on mats. And always fun to meet tough guys who are also articulate guys! Top meeting!


Dublinw82 is recommended by fgt-91 (22/7/2020)

We had a good match with a lot of locks.
He has strong arms and legs, and good moves, sometimes difficult to escape.
In general, we can consider him as the winner of this match, but can’t get used, it was a weak day for me, but I am ready and looking forward for the rematch.
Besides the match, he is a nice guy!
Strongly recommended!


Mudwrestling is recommended by elorian (21/7/2020)

We both wanted to try something new
He is A WAM enthusiast curious about wrestling, while I'm a fairly experienced wrestler curious about messy games. The deal: a messy wrestling match. And what a blast!! I would definitely do it again!
About Mudwrestling, this new guy, he is easygoing, friendly and fun. Obviously, he is not experienced yet, but he has a good spirit. He is more into a light, friendly and erotic style of wrestling. If that is your thing too, Mudwrestling is your opponent, specially if there is some messy involved ;)
Welcome, Mudwrestling. I hope this is just the first of many wrestling matches for you.


quadi1 is recommended by vandyke (21/7/2020)

Viele wechselseitige Nachrichten hat es gedauert, aber dann kam es doch noch zu einer ersten Begegnung auf der Matte und die war sehr spaßig und angenehm. Quadi ist ein sympathischer und lebensfroher Gesprächspartner, mit dem ich schon im Chat viel Freude hatte. Und auch auf der Matte zeigte er beste Qualitäten. Wir hatten einige umkämpfte Runden. Die Zeit verging wie im Flug und war leider auch nur begrenzt vorhanden, so dass eine Wiederholung angezeigt ist.


fightyou is recommended by vandyke (21/7/2020)

Das Treffen mit fightyou war einfach nur großartig. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß, auch wenn auf der anderen Seite mehr gelacht wurde ;-) Zu der Qualität von fightyou ist hier schon viel geschrieben worden. Und ich kann es nur bestätigen. Er ist ein toller Kämpfer, der sehr gut auf mich einging und seine Fähigkeiten entsprechend anpasste. Sowohl auf der Matte als auch außerhalb war er rundum sympathisch und ein sehr angenehmer Zeitgenosse. Meine beste Empfehlung und ich freue mich schon auf eine Wiederholung.


Headlocker80 is recommended by AD idf (21/7/2020)

I met headlocker80 in Milan during a trip in Mars 2018. He is a good guy with who it's easy to discuss and define a session. He knows what he want and do what he says.
On mat, there are some difference of weight and skill of course but he dont care. He likes play on mat it's an evidence. After few minutes he feel more and more confident and give you fun on mat if you let him play if you are like me heavier than him.
Friendly guy you will pass good time on mat with him
Hope meet him again with his new profile


rcyan is recommended by JUDOMARS (21/7/2020)

Je recommande fortement ce gaillard puissant comme un rugbyman. Sa force et sa carrure impressionnent, il a des biceps et des cuisses à rendre jaloux beaucoup d'entre nous. Il est jeune et vaillant, souriant, bon pote de tatamis!! avons lutté enfin, confronté chacun nos gros biceps, après des mois de dial c'était cool!, mais hélas, chacun des deux guerriers étaient épuisés d'un autre fight qui avait précédé notre empoigne, du coup, lui comme moi, (enfin surtout moi), on n'avait pas le jus pour se bagarrer bien à fond. Mais je n'imagine pas ne pas revoir un pareil bonhomme!! ai beaucoup aimé sa présence, son contact chaleureux, et sa carrure de déménageur! vivement qu'on se retrouve pour s'expliquer bien à fond, entre costauds qui aiment se battre et suer. A TRES VITE DONC !
