pecs44's blog

Victory in loss

Hello, men.

Had a great match last Saturday with a bud I had not wrestled in more than a year. Our last time out, he weighed 260 pounds at 6 feet 4 inches. He has since dropped about 40 pounds and packed on some muscle, so I was interested in how I'd fare, since I've gained about 10 pounds, most of it muscle (I hope) over the winter and am now at 5-9, 195.

This guy's an ex-hockey player, so he knows how to battle, and has endurance and strength to burn. We wrestled almost nonstop for about 75 minutes, and he won just about every fall. By the end of that time, we were both pretty spent, and I went home and rested before having to work that evening.

Next day I was pretty much recovered, but got an e-mail on Monday from my bud thanking me for the great match, although he admitted that he was still sore but looking forward to next time. Although I lost the match, I saw this as a high compliment. I've got about 10 years on him and he acknowledged having to sweat for every pin.

Sometimes victory is what you make of your situation.

Last edited on 18/3/2010 00:27 by pecs44



SileX (219)

18/3/2010 07:46

Congratulations for your good match. With the small exception of the weight categories involved, it reads like the kind of match I'd like! Loss is another word for "you learned more". :)


pecs44 (59 )

28/3/2010 18:58

(In reply to this)

Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Congratulations for your good match. With the small exception of the weight categories involved, it reads like the kind of match I'd like! Loss is another word for "you learned more". :)

Sturdy (31)

28/11/2011 00:45

(In reply to this)

Very true!

I love fighting guys who are stronger and/or more skilled than me, for two reasons:

1 - I love making them work hard to beat me. I can deal with reality; I know that obviously I cannot beat everyone, and with a superior fighter it is enough to know that he had to sweat to get the better of me. That is satisfaction enough.

2 - I know that by pitting myself against someone better, I will only get stronger and more skilled myself. If you never leave your comfort zone, you never grow.

Winning feels great, but it is not the only reason to enjoy fighting.


Alonzo (27)

26/5/2012 16:57

Yeah, I really agree your words... "victory is what you make of your situation" and I think that in your fight where not losers but winners ... :)


wrestle4kicks (57)

12/2/2013 22:09

recognize the feeling: íts better to loose with pride of a more experienced or much heavier guy than to beat a guy of equal stats and level


ironranger (71)

01/10/2016 19:19

And that's what it's all about. I don't like to lose, but a lot of that is because I'm afraid I'm not living up to my opponents' expectations or that they're getting bored. And I've had some very lopsided losses! But, I count it a victory when my opponent still feels like he had a good time and is a little sore the next day. The request for a repeat match always leave me stoked.

And for the record I'd certainly wrestle you! ;-)
