nwfan53's blog

Up here in Washington State, professional wrestling is regulated by the Washington State Athletic Commision and their rules for permits are tough enough, only WWE has been able to put on sanctioned shows up here.

However, you if are interested in seeing Indy pro wrestling, there is at least one operation active in Oregon. West Coast Wrestling Connection does a regular series of shows. Best way to find out what they have coming up is their twitter feed:


They have a show coming up October 3 at noon being taped for TV at the Jackson Armory in Portland ( 6255 NE Cornfoot Rd next to the Portland Airbase ). They also have a show October 4th Sunday in Salem Oregon.

WCWC Live Event in Salem, Sunday, October 4 - Bell Time: 5pm, Houck Middle School, 1155 Connecticut SE, Salem, OR

Last edited on 27/9/2015 02:17 by nwfan53; 0 comment(s)