MeetFighters News

Messages, Reflection on Incomplete Profiles and Small Fixes

This site news article contains information about changes in the messaging functionality. Please read on to see how it might affect you!


Since its creation, AllFighters has helped deliver over 360,000 messages. This is great as our mission is helping fighters get in touch; one way to measure success is how much communication we have facilitated. However, some of these messages were never deleted: either because they were unread or because a member likes keeping old messages. This has caused the message database to grow very large.

To mitigate this, starting in July, messages older than 90 days will be purged from the system, whether they were read and replied or not. For convenience, I will be creating some way to download your entire message history.

Donating members will not be subject to this, and will be able to retain their old messages as before.

Reflection on Incomplete Profiles

It's been a week since the site rules have changed, prohibiting members with incomplete profiles from initiating messages. The intention of this change was creating an incentive to update and complete these profiles. I am happy to report that this has been a huge success, with over 300 profiles completed in the meantime. This is almost like 300 new profiles. :)

As expected, there were a handful of guys who tried to weasel their ways around the restrictions by uploading drawings, photos from known production houses or dogs. Thanks to all those who helped flag these images so they could be quickly dealt with!

Small Fixes

I have fixed a bunch of small entries from the suggestion box:

  • Tracker/2009-09-23: The member ticker doesn't display the same member twice in a while. Donating members appear more frequently in the member ticker.
  • Tracker/2010-05-18: Certain instant messages are now properly translated to the recipient's language.
  • Tracker/2010-05-10: The recommendation help is updated to reflect site changes.
  • Tracker/2010-05-12: It is now possible to go to your next/previous message without returning to the message list.
  • Tracker/2010-05-30 2: You can now delete all your messages with a given user quickly.
  • There is a new help page that hopefully addresses common site usage issues.
  • Additionally, there are two new photo flags: "duplicate" and "not a personal photo".
  • There is a "Translate" button on profiles and recommendations.

If you have ideas or suggestions, let us know!

Last edited on 05/6/2010 14:16 by Admin
