MeetFighters News
Move to a New Data Center, Instant Messages and The Entitleds Strike Again
Last week was a busy one here at AllFighters HQ! Please read on and comment.
First, we finished relocating to a new data center. AllFighters is now hosted in London, and is hopefully faster, has better network connection and will have fewer outages than before. This is made possible by a few donations we've received in the past months. Thanks everyone.
The move went pretty smoothly, but like all big changes, there were, and probably still are, some issues. I am fixing them as soon as I'm aware of them, so please, if you encounter a site error, drop me a note!
Second, there's a new feature that notifies members of certain things, such as favorites logging in or somebody inviting you to Chat. Personally, I hate popup windows that appear on some sites, so I chose a relative visible but unobtrusive floating panel with a red dashed border.
Finally, I'd like to ask for your input regarding another site matter. As you (probably) know, AllFighters has a very simply worded Terms of Service. It's much less legalese than the Terms of Service on most other sites, and for the most part, it simply says "don't be an ass". One particular term, however, forbids uploading of X-rated photos. There are a couple of reasons for that:
- First it's a legal matter: there are some very unpleasant local laws that adult websites must comply to.
- There are enough dating sites on the net for naked pictures, and there is no need for AllFighters to become one of them.
- Trying to be friendly to members who are don't want sex , or are straight.
The reason why this part of the Terms of Service is problematic is that it is the least intuitive one. Probably some guys are out there thinking, "Well well, nobody has uploaded a photo of their dicks to this site yet! Time I fixed that". Or they aren't, but anyways, about one in every 20 or so new photos is explicit enough to be flagged by multiple members. (Big thanks for those who patrol the photo uploads so I don't have to!!) Once a photo is flagged by enough members, I click a button that makes the photo private and sends a carefully worded warning to the photo's uploader.
Simple, right?
For the most part it is. Usually, when someone receives this warning (and again, it is just a simple warning stating that the photo is naked, explicit or whatever), they just delete the photo and go on with their lives. Sometimes I get a small apology, or even some expression of appreciation for my work on this site. (I like those.) However, about one in every ten, goes into something I call "entitled, angry white thrash mode", explaining to me how they are right and everyone else (especially me) is wrong, and they will tell everyone not to use this site as it clearly sucks, and they will destroy everything I ever held dear (OK, that last part I made up).
My question to you is simple: how would you deal with them?
– Admin out.
StrikeFighter (82 )
08/3/2010 12:17I would write a standard, terse response stating that members need to play according to the site's rules. If they don't, they can't be a member. Over and out.
SoCalFIGHT (0)
14/4/2010 06:37(In reply to this)
EXACTLY!!! If the jerks don't like it, then they have HUNDREDS of "gay skin" sites to ACTIVELY CHOOSE from.
Abide by the SITE RULES or LOOK ELSEWHERE. Get over the who has more "rights" crap.
scotsgrappler (114)
08/3/2010 18:56The "angry white trash" (errrmm, is that phrase LEGAL??) brigade don't respond to reason. They pollute the same space as the keyboard wrestlers whose blather is inverse to the likelihood of them ever showing to wrestle. Two strikes and you're out would seem apt...i guess someone might mistakenly think it was appropriate to upload a shot of their genitals (yeah, right!) but once politely asked not to a repeat offence does seem inexplicable.
slick (42)
09/3/2010 19:50I agree that there are enough dating/hookup sites out there if someone is looking for that. I agree that the 2 strikes and you're out then delete their profile would be reasonable.
One more thing entitled, angry, trash comes in all races LOL.
10/3/2010 15:461) It's too bad that half the people marked straight on this site have profiles elsewhere where they're marked as not straight, that's causing part of the problem with how people approach things.
2) People should read the RED TEXT when they upload a picture, the use of the site is a privilege, not a right, if people cannot abide by the terms of use, they can either not sign up or delete their profile.
3) If people are angry that they can't upload a picture of them waving their cock around, disable their account until they see sense.
4) I think all users should have a recognisable picture on their profiles, so we know who we're matching. (Cyber people can just pinch a muscled picture from the internet and pass it off as themselves, they do that quite often already).
hunkbasher (6)
28/3/2010 23:38I am probably one of the "angry white thrash mode" targets, as I did over-react when I got that warning.... (here's the apology and yes, you do a great job on this site). I don't think that's the question, however, and first and foremost, obey the laws. What you, or someone else deems as 'inappropriate' in different than mine, clearly, or I wouldn't have gotten the warning. I think why I lashed out was it seemed to question my morale judgement, and let me say this... I do consider this a 'gay' site, at least 'gay friendly' and if a pic showing my tanline (there was no cock, balls or ass shot) was offensive, that distubs me. Where do you draw the line between "str8" rights weighing more than mine? There are 2 sides to this coin, respecting the law ultimately, but why is what a str8 person considers offensive weigh more than what I consider, as a gay man, offensive, when this is at a minimum a "gay friendly" site. I don't want it leading to censorship in the cyber rooms when a match gets out of hand... and that's the fear here. That hardly seems fair, but I will say again, I probably took it out on the wrong person, my apologies. I think, personally, as the administrator, if a pic is what the breaking laws, there is only one answer, removal of the picture. If the person doesn't like it, too bad, you're making a decision within the confines of the law, and that is the bottom line. Break the law and they'll shut this site down, ultimately, the decision of what is acceptable belongs to the administrator... who sould know what the law considers to be acceptable. Sincerely, Hunbasher (Bill)
02/4/2010 12:00(In reply to this)
I don't think any part of the warning message is meant as a moral judgment. The point of the message is simply to save time for you and me; you would not lose time uploading photos that would be moderated anyway, and I would not have to spend my time moderating them. It actually serves this purpose pretty well as it is very seldom that I have to send this message to the same member more than once.
SoCalFIGHT (0)
14/4/2010 06:34(In reply to this)
I read your reply. WOW, you do operate in the "angry white thrash/trash mode". I am not trying to be offensive, but not only reading the Site Admin's post, but THEN reading YOURS, WOW!!!
I do belong to other "GAY" sites. They cost a lot to get "full" access, such as Recon, and Academy Men. They have the "legalize" and even Recon has a RESTRICTION to what can be posted on PUBLIC pages.
IT IS A LEGAL ISSUE for the HOST. IT IS NOT a matter of "Straights" having "MORE" rights than you or I.
Some "gay" guys with a "rights" thing, are barking up the wrong tree. Don't take it out on OUR GREAT SITE HOST!!!
I too, don't want the "sex" or skin pictures on here you describe in your post. There are PLENTY of OTHER sites for that.
I am here to BOX, and FIGHT. For me AND MANY others it is NOT ABOUT SEX on THIS SITE.
I am glad the HOST prohibits "dick or ass" shots here. I don't look for those shots on Recon or Academy Men as it is. Many do have dick and ass shots on Recon in their private pages. That requires a PAID membership, which I have. Although I have ACCESS to them on those sites, I find, that if dick and ass pics are a significant part of their private galleries, then I am not interested, and SIMPLY close the profile AND MOVE ON, as there are about 500,000 profiles on Recon alone. That is about HALF A MILLION guys to pick from, MANY into what you describe in your post here.
Maybe THIS site is not for you. I and, apparently many/most of the REST HERE, AGREE with the SITE OWNER. Please respect the REASON FOR THIS SITE, it is not primarily a sex site. There are MANY of those you can CHOOSE from. If you CHOOSE to come here, UNDERSTAND what the site is about, and if YOU DON'T LIKE IT, you are MORE than WELCOME to LEAVE, and GO ELSEWHERE, where the site is SET UP and GEARED for your EXPRESSED interests, as you have stated here.
Lastly, guys like you are why I couldn't stand living in SF for the 4 years I was there. You only care about yourself, and "your" rights. FAR political extremism, on EVERY ISSUE, in EVERY AREA of life possible. I was there when Non-HIV guys LOUDLY VOICED their anger over being "left out" of all the support and social agencies for HIV people. That the Non-HIV guys, somehow were not getting their fair share of $$$$, resources and support. My, how terrible it is to not have HIV/AIDS!!! What is wrong with some people????
Enough is never enough for them. Get over your "rights" crap, and who has more or who has less, when it comes to this site. THERE ARE MANY OTHERS, BE ACTIVE, and go FIND ANOTHER one that suites you BETTER.
Obviously that the SITE HOST had to take the time and effort to deal with your "hostile" message to him, BEFORE he asked for advice on how to deal with guys like you, IS CLEAR that THIS IS NOT THE SITE FOR YOU or what you are looking for. Again, IT IS NOT ABOUT ANYONE'S "RIGHTS". The HOST and the REST OF US, HAVE A RIGHT to NOT have SKIN pics PUBLIC.
With SO MANY other "GAY" sites providing what you want of "skin" or more, why do you spend you time harassing the HOST here??? Have you nothing better to do with your life??? You don't and apparently can't simply MOVE ON to ANOTHER SITE that PLEASES you????
P.S. Too bad the policy here regarding what is "offensive", "disturbs" YOU. Here again you show your political mindset and agenda. IT is NOT ALL about YOU!!! I find, and I am sure other here find you "offensive" in your behavior to the SITE HOST, and you "disturb" THE REST OF US.