So today I was working on the traveler feature, when I did something incredibly stupid.

I deleted all the photos.

What I wanted to do was delete the photos from the test database to make it a bit faster, what I did instead was that I deleted everything from the live database! OK, don't panic. You've got backups, right? Right?

Wrong! The backup (which is supposed to run every midnight) had some issues which has caused the database not to be backed up since... well, the 20th of April. Ooookay... So next thing I know is I have spent 2 hours writing a script that parses through the site log (half a million lines at this time), and re-trace every upload, every image visibility change and every primary image change.

I think I managed to get it right, for the most part. At least, all the photos are restored. What might be wrong, under certain circumstances, is the primary image settings and the visibility of certain images. I would ask every member to check their photos to make sure they are all OK.

Apologies for the inconvenience!

Admin out

P.S. Yes, I fixed the backup system too.

Last edited on 08/5/2009 17:46 by Admin
