Gutpunching give/take/trade

Question: Could you punch a partner or a spouse you loved and were in a relationship with?

diegokuhn (2)

05/6/2022 19:12

My boyfriend likes it a lot, he is in this site too, but I still have a really hard time doing it with him...


lance jeffers (110)

04/6/2022 07:18

As long as they are into it like I am yes.


guts4sluggin (1)

29/5/2022 09:05

Absolutely, had a roommate that we were very close. He used to like to drink beer until he was so drunk he could hardly stand, and then have me punch his beer filled guts.


Taren23 (0 )

01/6/2022 15:41

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I imagine the sloshing was something to behold.


stomachpunch (5)

31/5/2022 05:51

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Have you ever made him throw up after hitting his beer-filled stomach?


GPmale (0)

01/4/2022 23:02

I will. Maybe with someone I'm dating. It depends on my partner and whether he or she wants to experience it with me. Yes I'm pretty sure I would want to as I usually do with anybody I'm physically attracted to.


mikey3458 (25 )

27/2/2022 10:08

I would do whatever fetish my partner or loved one wanted me to do and I would expect the same. These days the only way I can get off is to be gut punched while I jack off, so I need to find someone who cares enough about me to do that. Any takers?


big belly art (0)

26/2/2022 10:14

I did that all the time when I was married to me ex wife Angie, we love to brawl and trade belly blows all the time


Chubchaser3 (2)

09/12/2021 14:31

My partner is not into gut punching or any weird fetish. It’s my little secret. I have friends that I do love that are subs and like to get pounded and I don’t have a problem punching them. But I would never punch my husband nor would I let anyone touch him. Gut punching for me is a submission type of thing. I like to beat the guy down. My gut punching buddy is a big bellied chub and he wants a beat down. He wants to be KOed. That level of submission to me is a turn on. I can pound him till he drops and he loves it. I guess when you know the other person really wants to get beat up and you agree on it, it makes it exciting. Please log in to view gallery photos.


RoughProRassler (0)

02/6/2022 21:11

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That is a great find. Someone who wants to be worked over like that, it is a huge turn on.


big belly art (0)

06/6/2022 11:27

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d love to hve you work me over ! Please log in to view gallery photos.


mikey3458 (25 )

03/6/2022 08:42

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Work me over


big belly art (0)

26/5/2022 13:10

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you sound like someone i'd love to tangle with


AbPuncher2 (1 )

26/11/2021 08:13

I told my husband about my fetish when we first met and he didn't run off. We've been together 17 years now and I'm still in love with him and his sexy, lean, beautiful, flat stomach. He punches me and allows me to punch him even though it's not a fetish for him. I have crazy fantasies about him getting punched by other guys. He hasn't agreed to do that yet but he also hasn't said that he would never do it. :-)


BritishPharaoh (9 )

25/11/2021 12:42

I punch my boyfriend in the stomach during sex all the time. he just takes it & moans 🤷🏽‍♂️


FurAddict (1)

26/11/2021 05:25

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Can be wonderful. Power exchange between men.


Kureitondesu (14 )

23/11/2021 00:49

Oh yeah. I've dated a puncher before and it added that extra little extra to the excitement knowing that he enjoyed it just as much as I did. We were also able to explore further with fewer limits since we trusted each other more than you can with someone you just met.


Gutboxer (46)

24/11/2021 16:10

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Yes some good points with a relationship. It has its advantages.


gymrat (35)

21/11/2021 14:24

apparently you've never been married. <evil/ironic grin>


FurAddict (1)

22/11/2021 16:41

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Some days much easier than others 😝


Davey716 (45)

22/11/2021 15:56

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Well said!


Brett364 (1)

22/11/2021 14:49

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Haha! Good one.


Tattooed ginger (6 )

20/11/2021 06:13

I do punch my partner that I’ve been together with for 14 years. We both love it and can get very into it together


slimp (0)

20/11/2021 04:17

So for a lot of us, the GP fetish is best fulfilled by mutual agreement to maintain near stranger status, limiting discussion to fetish related stuff? I think that'd work for me.


Luvtalls (0)

19/11/2021 17:03

My partner is not into any kind of violence or rough behavior so I know he would not be willing to participate. And even if he was, I could never see me throwing a punch at him, it's just not part of our relationship. But I'd certainly be willing to throw a punch at another guy, especially if he has a big, round, hard belly!


Gutboxer (46)

19/11/2021 16:08

I always wondered why guys hide their Gutpunching fetish with their significant other? I have always felt the opposite and would want to have my partner at least punch me and believe me THEY ALL HAVE! I have met many guys for Gutpunching and it usually heads into the sexual aspect when it was not my intention. The Gutpunching does continue into the bedroom.



19/11/2021 14:50

Really interesting blog, kinda of surprised it hasn't come up before actually. Being a straight guy, this is another eye opener for me on how a guy may feel in love with another guy, just like I feel about my wive(s). I think feelings one has that drives this fetish is the same for all,,straight, gay, lesbian. My fetish has been alive and well for many years, but my interest was only watching f vs f for years, actually a major influence in choosing my first wife, a very open minded lady with no inhibitions, not a stranger to bi in the right situations, did some stripping, and had many amateur bar room foxy boxing matches, and several brutal cat fights, which I watched, never interfering with, win or lose. As much as I loved seeing her in a fight, I never could imagine her fighting with someone she was good friends with, much less someone she had any love for. Now, as a straight guy, no way would I ever hit a woman, period. But always envisioned her in combat with near any woman had a desire to take her on. The sex drive after I watched her fight was explosive, she knew it, and loved it. I guess I'm curious as to how you or your man would feel about watching them fight another guy? Or watching you fight, maybe with erotic stakes? Would it be a turn on for you, or them, to see them forced to submit to an opponent, maybe even endure being used for oral or anal sex as as form of final domination by the winner? Maybe bred and seeded by some hung stud? Would it intensify your sex afterwards?


TuffFighter (1)

20/11/2021 10:35

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hell yes, fighting in front of a partner would def turn me esp a win.... being watched taking gut punches..def adds to hotter after play


Davey716 (45)

19/11/2021 13:25

My hubby would make a great puncher. At 6ft and 240 lbs, he would also make a great receiver. However, he is a big cuddle bug and this kind of play is not in his wheelhouse. We've tried. Fortunately, he understands my need for it, and lets me seek fulfillment elsewhere. I'm a lucky man.


dabbler1973 (17)

19/11/2021 12:18

***THIS*** in abundance!!
I've had this same discussion on here with many guys.
I've even had it with my partner ... and he opened up to me about wanting to try things with me but sadly Ive no interest in. He offered to let me punch him ... but if we both do stuff to make each other happy... we aren't really happ it because it's so one sided. . I wouldn't enjoy it because he isn't getting turned on by it. . same with me performing his fetish... it wouldn't work ...
It is difficult because we are connected and in sync on every level except this one primal desire ...
I have zero desire to gutpunch him... but the thought of punching a stranger .. or at least someone Im not romantically involved with ... is extremely horny which leads to an uncontrollable urge to seek out that itch that needs scratched .. it's been a voyage of discovery...
my previous partner WAS (still very much is!) an expert gutpunch enthusiast ... and we did have a lot of mutual fun .. and it WAS enjoyable and horny to do together because we both got off on it.
I went years with my current partner thinking it was part of me I could switch off and forget about but it's impossible. It's part of you.
Honesty and openness is what was required to help him understand me and my needs. It's a working progress...
So you're not alone! Think we're all in the same big boat of having a burning sexual desire to punch f*ck out of as many guts as possible! 🤣👊🏻😈


hardabs1 (23)

27/2/2022 05:26

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My response might be taken with a grain of salt because the person with whom I have gutpunching sessions is not a "partner", just a great friend. We get together three times a week. I perform his fetish (which is very non-violent) and then he performs by fetish, which is being punched in the stomach, usually 200 to 300 times every time we get together. The theory is, you take care of me and I'll take care of you. You make me happy and then I'll make you happy. It has worked for us for at least 12 years, possibly more. I would never think of punching him. He has said that he really enjoys punching me (even though it doesn't turn him on) and he especially likes it when he hurts me and doubles me over. He knows that I want that and will do whatever it takes to hurt me. Within reason, of course :)


slimp (0)

19/11/2021 04:05

I think we need different people for different fulfillments. I'd never GP my wife, or anyone I felt close to, unless they really really wanted it, but even then, my heart wouldn't be in it. I'm peace loving and have no inclination toward violence, except toward myself. It's as though familiarity is a deterrent. I really want someone who feels as passionate about punching as I am about being punched. Seeing someone take immense pleasure in working on my gut is part of the eroticism.

I have multiple fantasies about being in roles where I very much "deserve" gut punishment. That brings together psychological, verbal and physical punishment, which tweaks my hormones to the max. I guess you could call it a relationship, but instead of love, it has more to do with fun and satisfaction of specific urges.


Brett364 (1)

19/11/2021 14:56

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You said "It is as though familiarity is a deterrent." That's a good way to put it. For me, it's easy to punch a stranger, but the thought of punching someone I love just isn't there.


Cylus (4)

19/11/2021 05:26

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I couldn’t agree more to this.


Punchee1300 (2)

18/11/2021 23:17

No I couldnt gp a significant other. It'd feel too weird. Idk how to explain it.


abuster (74 )

17/11/2021 20:40

I am SO glad someone brought this up because I am having the same phenomenon! I am currently in a 1+ year relationship with a man I am deeply in love with and the thought of him being gutpunched by me isn't as hot as I'd thought it'd be. I would say my reasoning is exactly the same as yours however, I have NO issue ballbusting him to kingdom cum or doing breathe play with him (both of which he enjoys very much of course). Some people would probably consider ballbusting to be alot more brutal than gutpunching and I honestly think I agree, however, I am not sure why I don't have an issue ballbusting him but gutpunching play I can't seem to do with him as easily. I truly don't really understand it. Regardless, we are in an open relationship (he is also on MF) and meet up with others to have fun and such so this situation doesn't really harm our relationship because we both feel very by all of the other sexual and erotic play we do with one another and others. I'm not sure this answered your question but it just helped me feel comfortable to share my situation as well!


Brett364 (1)

18/11/2021 04:16

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Thanks for the reply. I'm glad my question resonated with you.

That's interesting that you have no problems with BB, but gutpunching gives you pause. Let me ask you this: Is your partner "into" gutpunching, or does he do it just to please you? Perhaps that might have something to do with your reluctance, I don't know. Maybe there's a psychologist in this group that could weigh in on this.

To this day, I don't understand why I couldn't punch my partner. And as I mentioned in my initial post, I never told him about my punching interest – even though it's my biggest sexual turn on. I guess I thought it was too unusual, and might scare him.


abuster (74 )

18/11/2021 22:23

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Great question! So yes he is also into gutpunching too! So I can't say it is because he doesn't share this fetish with me either! Perhaps it is because he is my lover? I am not sure!


Brett364 (1)

18/11/2021 23:11

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Yeah, could be. The mystery continues ...


Brett364 (1)

17/11/2021 20:10

Around the year 2000, I was in a relationship with a guy for 5 years. At the beginning of the romance, I had fantasies of punching him in the stomach, which is a huge sexual turn-on for me. However, as the relationship continued, that desire disappeared. I also never told him about this fetish. I think the reason I had no interest in punching him was because I was basically in love with him and had no desire to punch someone I loved. This reaction surprised me and I never expected to feel that way. I guess I learned that I prefer punching someone I'm NOT close to and one with whom I'm in more of an anonymous with – such as a stranger or an acquaintance, I guess. However, I still sometimes think about how cool (and convenient) it would be to be in a relationship with someone who shared the same fetish.

Can anyone relate to this? Could you punch (or receive punches) someone you loved and were in a relationship with?

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