Sadistic or very competitive?

slowsubs (139 )

03/3/2024 03:22

for me its a bit of all, Competitveness, sadism and pain but all tempered. My screen Name SLOWSUBS, I chose it years ago when i joined meetfighters with the intension of expressing i enjoy slower paced or applied Sub holds. Basically you have a hold applied, you know your prey is helpless and you could apply pressure to the hold and get the sub BUT, you toy with him instead. A perfect example of this, you have your buddies back ,a RNC locked in place and the tap is seconds away but just before the tap you loosen, but dont let go. Roll your prey into your legs and now hes got the RNC and body scissor/maybe fig4 to deal with and you have options for the tap. BUT, youd rather play with your buddy, Slowey increasing pressure to weaken and gain more control but not enough to finish him off. Shit talking in his ear, letting him know hes finished and hazing him trying to get that fire burning in him for more of a struggle, baiting him to use his last oz of energy before finally using one of the holds to extract a few subs before etting him go. SO, Competive, yup,.....sadistic....yup,......Painful........yup. BUt at the same time holds that you can prolong and when you let go 5 mins later the guy can go to the gym. Nothing prolonged dealing with joint locks or twisting a guy up. Thats what i mean by TEmperd slow subs. Personnaly I find it hot as hell being on either side of that kind of session. Agressor or Fallen Prey!


wrestlme37 (23)

06/3/2024 14:57

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You said it all here. I have a slew of medical issues so I can no longer really wrestle but LOVE the contact. Lucky for me there are guys out there that like to be worked in holds. I love keeping the guy right on the verge of submitting and I back off. A little trash talk and slowly increase the pressure again eventually submitting him and either moving to another hold or going right back to where we were. Depends on the vibe. Nothing in the world feels like this!!


Pinmeifyoucan (37)

03/3/2024 06:56

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Hehe yeah sadistic but I love it. Have had it done to me once


loser jim (0)

01/3/2024 10:31

i think a lot of guys like to wrestle because they like to hurt other guys so i say Sadistic


slowsubs (139 )

03/3/2024 03:32

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Gotta say Jim, Ive had over 100 matches and happily can report no one has ever had the intent of hurting anyone. Yes, you want to win and now and then accidents happen but man, the few times ive either gotten hurt or hurt someone is was very unintentional and the guilty feeling of even the rare accident just sucks. Personally Ive had a rib dislocated in a body scissor (too friggen stubborn to tap MY FAULT) and a sore arm once from an armbar applied by an aver enthusiastic beginner. I thought he was gonna cry when he realized he accidently hurt me. I had to console him! LOL


commandertc (76)

22/2/2024 14:55

Ready to destroy those abs tough guy! Weapons will be used to make sure you days afterwards


Marylands Best (25 )

17/2/2024 13:15

I love when holds are used on me for torture rather than a simple submission.


Boxerboy91 (15)

26/11/2023 20:05

Ive always been into more serious painful matches with the right people. If my opponent and i are relatively close in size and i trust them, i dont mind actually FIGHTING provided we keep some basic safety in mind.


judokavalenciano (5)

20/11/2023 15:20

A little bit of sadism is necessary in competition, in judo or jiu jitsu you need apply pain to get a submission, maybe be the fighters enjoy applying that pain, I think is a mix of both.


FightGames (27 )

20/11/2023 11:27

i m on the sadistic side
but you can be competitive and adding sadism

all sport like submission wrestling BJJ MMA are based on submission and to get a submission you must apply pain

caresses and hugs wont do!!



03/5/2022 15:44

Having achieved some good skills---knowing that the key to boxing for instance is NOT getting hit---I trust you feel confident that like the ref says, "Protect yourself at all times." The first step in engaging in the type of fight you desire is in picking opponents. Sorry to say this but some have distinct hidden agendas. If you wish to mimic the Marquis de Sade, don't hesitate to be prepared to spend time with lawyers, investigating police officers, etc. If you really know yourself well that you can control your reactions to what is "shared with you" in reaction to you aggressiveness, then good for you; well played will be your endeavors. If however you have "lost it" then think again as to the potential cost. Aggressiveness which can also be called the killer instinct without the killing is a potential worthwhile trait to be able to employ as needed. I personally wish you great success in maximizing your skills and control; and, hope that your choice of opponents and you can then step out of the ring and become fast, enduring friends.


p luke (3 )

25/2/2024 20:38

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Excellent points.

I'd just add that if you find an partner (wrestling or not) who tells you that he is really high, and is ready for anything, DON'T. If he is that high, he can't actually consent to what he is willing/able to endure while high – and the potential for serious consequences for your partner is much greater, since he may not even know/feel that he is sustaining damage that will last long after the drugs have worn off. (and while I don't know the legal ramifications of this kind of situation, its not worth the risk to you, either).


miznew201 (161 )

25/4/2022 00:14

Looking for guys who wanna do a match with some real pain added. No injuries or broken bones. Something I am starting to get into, so wanna see if anyone is up for it.


Punchfitguy (1)

01/12/2023 10:45

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I love to make a guy submit with a bit of pain, and hold the hold a little bit longer to really make him suffer..


Pinmeifyoucan (37)

20/11/2023 04:02

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What type of pain? Any bruising?


Wrestle-me12 (11)

08/5/2022 14:15

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I’m down for a match like that


wrestlernys (9 )

01/5/2022 11:31

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I’d be into this!


WrestleLI (1)

20/11/2023 12:52

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I’m up for it with you wrestlernys!


WrestleLI (1)

19/11/2023 11:10

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Let’s do it!


NYCBruin (76)

10/5/2022 02:48

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You aren’t that far away from me. Up for a match in the future


FightGames (27 )

28/4/2022 09:24

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doing pain makes me hard!!


Punchfitguy (1)

01/12/2023 10:44

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Me too, I love to see pain in a guys eyes!!


abs2destroy (0)

19/2/2024 14:39

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I’ll take all the pain you wanna dish out

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