I just had a wrestling session with a new guy. He's not on Meetfighters, though I hope he does sign up someday. He answered my CL ad. He was 70 lbs lighter than I was, admitted he had never wrestled before, and doesn't work out. When we stripped down I noticed his 150 lb frame was nothing but pure muscle. When I told him to try to take me down, boy, DID HE EVER take me down. I showed him some moves and he used some on me that I didn't teach him. YIKES! Was I being conned? Or was he just a natural at it? I see no point in him conning me. He wasn't trying to rob me or take my money or place a bet. So I think he's a natural. I sure hope he is able to wrestle some more in the future. Unfortunately, like most married wrestlers, his wife doesn't know. So it could be months before I see him again. Anyway, I am so glad I had a brief time of wrestling with the small, yet strong and scrappy, "Mario".

Last edited on 26/4/2017 01:15 by RhodyRaybo
