Back in July of last year I had written about my top 5 wrestling buddies. Well, a bit has changed since then. I have now 225 matches under my belt and have met a lot more guys. Some are now good friends, others were one-timers. But either way it's time to add 2 new guys to my top 5. So to my "New Top 5" I wish to add 2 more.."Kevin" and "Alan"

BEST HOST AND MOST ENTHUSIASTIC..."Kevin", (Married, Str8, early 50's, devout family man) why do I rename one of my new favorites "Kevin", because when he and I grapple, I
feel like I am once again in the clutches of a certain 18-year old who initially got me at age 12 interested in wrestling. He's built like the original "Kevin" that I used to know and behaves very much like him off and on the mats. "Kevin" always begins with some slapping in the head, nothing too hard, just enough so you can feel he means business. Then after a few slaps we begin to tangle and see who can drag who down to the ground. "Kevin" wins most of our rounds together, but that's ok,losing to a good friend like "Kevin" is a win/win situation. Why make him a favorite? 2 reasons, He is by far the most hospitable host I've ever met. He has the ultimate man cave at his house and has devoted a large part of it to wrestling. He has these big mats, weights, and places to sit. He has also managed in his short time in the wrestling network hosted wrestlers from literally all over the globe. He's a definite "people person" and a "wrestler's wrestler". I love going to his place whether it be just me or a group of guys. He's tops! The other reason would be his enthusiasm. I thought I took wrestling seriously, he behaves as one in training for the Olympics! He wants to get better and wants not only to have fun when wrestling, but learn from it. You would never know that he's been in the circuit for only a little over a year. So "Kevin"...I luv ya bro, and am honored to be a frequent opponent of yours.

Next new category... BEST BROTHERLY WRESTLER...."Alan" (single, str8, late 40's) Ever see two Sunday School teachers go at it on the mats? Neither have I, and I would pay good money to witness it. But seeing how I can't right now, I am thrilled to be a participant of that rather than a spectator. That is how it is with "Alan". I haven't wrestled "Alan" too many times, I think maybe 7 in the last year or so, but they were 7 awesome times. Most of the matches were at other guys homes in group matches, but "Alan" has been to my house twice, and they were two of the best wrestling matches I can remember. He's the only wrestling bud that I will put on my wrestling shoes for. He likes to wear them, and I like to make him comfortable. When we're alone at my house, we enter the basement, get in gear, and then...we pray. We give our match to God and ask for His protection and wisdom. Sound unusual? It is. But why be normal? And why make him a favorite? He's not only has a body to kill for (so does "Kevin" for that matter) and very strong. When "Alan" and I begin, we start gradually then just go into one long sweaty submission match. I love the fact that I'm free to growl in his ear, then say "I love this bro!". He's also become a good Instant Messenger friend, so I chat with him regularly. "Alan", you're tops in my book and look forward to more sweaty brawls, both in my basement and in our friends' garage and mancave.

Now, I wish to rename the 3 from my last "Top 5" that remain on the list. They are as follows...

BEST SUB WRESTLER "Stanley" Mid-50's, mostly straight, married, family man, smaller, muscular, fairly hairy, cannot host. I met Stanley at a garage of another wrestler last August. The host had Stanley and myself wrestle right after I arrived. It only lasted about 10 minutes, but I knew at that point that I wanted to go at it with this guy again. He left shortly after and I had a session with the host. That guy who hosted and I have not been in touch lately, but Stanley and I began wrestling semi regularly the following January. While Stanley does not employ a large variety of moves when we wrestle, he has tremendous strength, energy, and speed. He likes sub wrestling and it's always a battle to to see who can pin or nail whom. When he has me on my back he often treats me to his grinding his hairy chest in my face. Love it!! Then after a tapout (usually me), we embrace for several minutes. But what I love about Stanley is that he's been wrestling for many years and has quite a list of semi regulars, largely guys who travel to the major city he lives near. So with all that demand and heavy activity, I consider it such a high honor and privilege to be on his list of regulars. He also is one to try to push me to the next level. He wants me to get better at what I do, and with his brotherly help, it's happening. Thank you so much Stanley....I have nothing new to add about "Stanley". Just wish to say we have now wrestled each other 26 times. He still pushes me to my limit and he still makes me smile when he drives up. He recently told me I look like a kid waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas when I wait for him to drive up. Still luv ya "Stan"

BEST JOBBER "Ron", mid 40's, straight?, divorced father of one, 50 lbs lighter than me, works 20 minutes north of me, lives about 45 minutes east of me. I don't see this fav anywhere near as often as I wish I could. Our schedules and infirmities just seem to prevent us from grappling as often as we'd like. But nonetheless, this jobber whom I first met in March and grappled with 4 times so far is very deserving of a place on my list of fav's. Despite the fact that he is trained in various martial arts and is quite strong, his first choice is to be a jobber. But he's no rag doll here. He will make you work for the title of heel. He loves being in a hold and trying to get out of it. I always say I love the looks on his face. He also loves belly and pec play, and will trade rolls and play the heel if you ask him to. Bottom line, I have had so much fun being heel to him, and he's very down to earth and personable. On our first match, I felt as though I was wrestling an old friend rather than a guy I just met. So 5 dings for "Ron". He's tops in my list of wrestling buddies even though I usually look "down" on him while grappling....Update..."Ron" and I still wrestle and I must say, he has become a very close friend of mine. We've switched our meeting locations from my place to his. He lives alone and it's more convenient for me to visit him. I now know which holds make him butter in my hands, so I use those moves repeatedly. "Ron" is currently recovering from surgery, but I was too not too long ago. "Ron" was my first match when I returned to the wrestling circuit. I hope I am his "welcome back" when he's recovered.

BEST ALL AROUND "Jim-Bob" early 30's, about 65 lbs heavier than me, straight, family man, hairy chest and belly, lives about an hour away, cannot host. I had every intention of including this very special wrestler in my list of favorites, but what title to give him? I couldn't think of one thing in particular, but rather, several things. So I decided to award him "Best All Around". We met back in May for the first time though we had chatted months earlier, but a match didn't happen back then. But when we planned our initial meeting back in May, we chatted quite extensively beforehand, both on line and on the phone. And the more we chatted, the more we realized the common interests we had when wrestling. We both love hugging and long embraces. We both love hanging together. We both love making videos of our meets then watching them together. We both love certain types of wrestling that I won't go into. And he has gotten me interested in more gut punching, something he loves. Our matches are least 3 hours. We meet, we embrace, we wrestle, we embrace, we wrestle, we embrace, we through some talking in there and we just have an all around great time. Let's just say, we really clicked. We've had 3 matches so far with a fourth one in the planning stages. I honestly didn't think that I would click so strongly with someone that much younger than myself, but I have. We've become very close friends in the process and Instant Message each other very regularly. So hats off to "Jim-Bob" for making every aspect of our wrestling relationship the best one could ever ask for....update... I've had about a dozen matches now with "Jim-Bob" now and I can say that he's still my favorite. Still always pushing me, then embracing with me. Who could ask for better than that. Still an awesome guy...there are really no words to describe my bro Jim-Bob.

Well, that's my updated "Top 5". 2 were removed from my last list, not because of any hard feelings, but neither has been actively wrestling. One has not had the time, the other has not had the desire. But I have tried to keep in touch with them through messaging, and I let them both know that when they're ready to go at it again, I'll be here.

Peace out.

Last edited on 11/10/2013 03:47 by RhodyRaybo
