Pwers1103's blog

Time for a Reality Check Dudes

First, I hope everyone is doing well & remaining healthy. I'm somewhat older than most of U, grin, having borne witness to a history most of U have never experienced & yet I never thought I would be living in times like these because i would not have believed history would repeat itself so soon (never underestimate the idiocy of the American people who hopefully & eventually get it right).
Despite my youthful looks, lol, I'm a boomer, a child of the 60s- I was there when a beloved President was assassinated; when race riots rampaged across the country, when a wasted conflict became a war that cost 55,000 lives of young men "drafted" into service (more than a few of whom were in my HIgh School) & divided our country & marched for the end of that war; I was there in the 70s when women & gays (incl me) marched for civil rights & experienced the ecstasy of sexual liberation; I was there when a previous epidemic in the 80s destroyed my community in NYC, killing almost all of my friends & most of my partners while our government did virtually nothing; I was there in the 90s when we decided that silence meant death & we "Acted Up" & progress was finally made in that epidemic; I was there in 2001 at Ground Zero when the Towers came down, saw unimaginable horror & since I lived near those ruins & worked for the government assisted in the recovery (more friends died that day); I was there when another idiot President decided to go to war based on a lie & caused a great recession; & now I am here, watching thousands die needlessly in my hometown because the worst possible piece of crap is leading this nation during one of its most dangerous times.
As I had said in my file months ago after a health issue forced me to cancel my trip to Wrestlefest, the real fight in 2020 is the political one- for those of U who are reluctant to discuss politics for whatever reason, look at what has happened & how seriously your lives have & will be changed.
Anyone with a brain should now know what the World Health Organization has said in its guidelines once this pandemic seems to plateau & the results of political complacency- we are entering a "new normal" and this is esp true for contact sports. For many of U, this is your primary community so U best begin making adaptations & recognize the new reality- there won't be much fighting for a long time. If U want to see what real leadership looks like during this difficult time, the Governor of New York gives daily briefings about the effect of the virus within this state (11:30EST)- unlike Il Duce, his briefings begin with facts each day so we can see & have seen the trajectory this virus has taken w/in this state; over the past month, we have seen the drastic rise of this virus & its death toll till what now appears to be a plateau in this, the epicenter of the virus due to the density of NYC. He has moved heaven & earth to insure this state had the necessary capability to contain this virus & in a short time, he organized a statewide mobilization and coordination of resources, which seems to have worked, thank you Governor Cuomo.
I mention this for a reason- he is now discussing a gradual return to normalcy after what will be two months of social distancing/stay in place orders. For example, we must now wear masks or face coverings when in public, a small price to pay to keep the virus at bay. And after what this state has experienced & what has been done to reach this point in time, U can be damn sure he will NOT allow anything or anyone to compromise a SAFE approach to the "new normalcy:' & he will be doing it on a regional basis- rest assured, that most if not all of the Northeast US, along w the W. Coast, will be in lockstep w these guidelines due to his extraordinary leadership.
But this is what U guys need to understand- in order to return to normal, there needs to be testing & the priority for testing will go to essential workers & what will be considered essential will be impacted by whether the service is of high or low risk for the transmission of the virus. In short Dudes, gyms & places of physical recreation will most likely NOT be open for many months because I doubt any public health expert will consider them very essential, esp since they obviously have a high risk for infection, particularly true for contact sports. In fact, I have been reading that more than a few colleges have disbanded their wrestling programs indefinitely. I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but until we have sufficient testing or a vaccine (note that after almost 40 years, there is no AIDS vaccine tho there is a medical regimen that has suppressed the virus), U should plan accordingly. Know that in NY, wch has done the most aggressive testing anywhere on the planet & wch is why we have the most cases, we have only tested just over 2% of the population & this country has tested only about 1% of its population- hardly enuff testing necessary for so many to get back to a "new normal". Be prepared to social distance for the long haul.
The other thing is that many of U will be tempted to wrestle "underground", a decision everyone is free to make. Just know that this is what life was like in the 80s during the AIDS epidemic- gay men did not stop having sex; one had to assume everyone was positive & accept that risk if it happened, wch it did to many who did not engage in safe sex. But here is the big difference- w AIDS, U were the only person being infected by that sexual act & even tho the diagnosis was fatal at that time, one could prevent the infection thru safe sex & did not usually die w the first hospitalization- it was a gradual but complete destruction of the immune system. Here, a match between 2 individuals w one or both being asymptomatic can cause several other members w/in the community to be infected because this virus is so easily transmitted & some may be more vulnerable to the disease resulting in death (wch is what is happening at this moment in time). Remember, this is a public health crisis- it may be time to be selfless rather than selfish. Your choice Dudes.
My first blog was entitled Lucky because I have been- I resented not living in a metro area because I was not afforded the same opportunities for matches as most of U living in those areas since i live in a rural area of upstate NY now; but up here, I have my own 3BR house on an acre of land so social distancing for me is no big deal- I have a huge yard to work & play in outdoors; I cannot wait for the weather to warm up so I can begin working out outdoors in my yard. My county is 3X larger than NYC w only 1% of the population so my frequency of contact w others is much less than in a metro area. & there are times age has its prerogatives- because NYS is so on the ball, I was able to snag a CV test & am currently negative & intend to stay that way, wch is hard because like most of U, I would not mind a good fite & even more, a hot fuck (so many NYers have escaped up here & so many are lookg for a good time BUT once in awhile, we gotta act mature & remember, this is NOT all about us- we're in this together, let's get out of it together alive & in good health.
Good luck, stay strong & be well Dudes. Shortly, I will tell U how I was able to snag the test & what the test was like- let's just say that after a minute, U just might wanna tap out, grin.
& if U have s/thg negative to say, feel free- I am negative & can fite anytime-U?? Just sayin..

Last edited on 17/4/2020 08:20 by Pwers1103



nhgrappler (19)

17/4/2020 19:06

Thanks bud for this post. Some probably will not like it but what you have said is totally correct, I too have been around since the 50’s. I am hoping that at some point in time the Citizens of the United States will wisen up and demand more of its leaders.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

17/4/2020 20:30

The problem is that more and more people have been conditioned to worship money and celebrity and those who have it. That's why we have the "leadership" we have.


md match (34)

18/4/2020 03:22

wise beyond words. thank you


Cowboyangel (14)

18/4/2020 05:58

Much appreciated...see also 'Empty spaces' blog by Ironbull


Steeleyes3 (51 )

18/4/2020 05:58

Alas, the "Illuminati" have got control of the World at last by a man-made virus


DM Mask (3)

18/4/2020 08:28

I've already acknowledge how problematic the leadership is in the United States at the moment. For me, my key takeaway in the post is this.

"... and this is esp true for contact sports. For many of U, this is your primary community so U best begin making adaptations & recognize the new reality- there won't be much fighting for a long time."

This is something that I've been thinking for quite a while already, and one that I've been meaning to post about as well. Because this really is the reality; until we find the vaccine, it will be very difficult to go back to how things used to be, even when it comes to the fights that many have used to do with the site.


Cowboyangel (14)

18/4/2020 16:19

What makes you think the virus is man-made? Mother Nature is more than capable of making her own virus.


devonwrestler (28 )

19/4/2020 11:19

I am following the health guidance in the UK, staying at home appart from going out for a run, which is allowed, allthough it happens that I have strained something in my foot at the moment through trying to sprint up a hill, so I have only been out running a couple of times at the start of the lockdown and I havent been shopping because I normally get most of my supplies on line anyway.

But I am hoping that this will end a bit sooner than you sugest. I am not a medical person or a biologist, but surely if 100% lockdown could be implemented world wide the virus would be gone from the planet within the time it takes everyone who has it to either get better or die. I suppose that assumes that there is no animal host. I realise that 100% lockdown can never happen in practice, but I would think that the closer we can get to it the sooner this will be over. Once we get to the point where each new infection results in significantly less than one further infection then I would think the days of the virus are numbered, so why do we need to wait for a vacine which, as you say, may never be found anyway?

Love the pics of you, you are in great shape. We are in the same age range as you, I like to think I am fairly slim and fit for my age but I have nothing like your fine muscles that you display so well!



BilBeaux (0)

21/4/2020 08:25

A good read!
I lived through a lot of “those times”, too.

This old, unfit man is baffled by the World.

This “protest movement” to open up closed states seems to be led by several groups - faux Conservative and many gun rights groups. That is bizarre as Gun shops were deemed “essential businesses” in many states.
I have friends who don’t even live in MN or MI - extremely irate about the governors in those states.
Riled up by the web and sadly by a President wanting them “liberated”.

Have friends and family with whom I commiserate with in Arkansas and Oklahoma - who say that so much of their fellow populace believes the big lie(s) - that this is a “Democratic conspiracy to ruin the great economy” or a “conspiracy to de-throne President Trump” - is heard far and wide in those states. And believed.
Excuse me - who WANTS to ruin a country?
Ditto it is a “Chinese military lab creation” or was created in a mythical US chemical weapons lab and “escaped”.
What are these folks smoking?
Maybe pot might mellow them out more.

From a retired Tulsa EMT - she said that there are still locally owned gyms open in OK - just out of the Tulsa and OKC metro areas. Wink, wink - nod, nod from smaller town cops who use the gyms, too.
She drives 30 miles a few nights a week to work out. I would think that an EMT would be more conscious of the chance of exposure - she has lost 40 pounds since December.
She “needs” to feel the burn.

Those of you whoever worked in the cattle business - know that Covid variations have been around for years. There are treatments for bovine infections and other livestock - but not the same for humans.

Have friends in VT and the UP of MI - who are now anti-Summer home owners - “helicoptering in” to hide out the virus there. I can understand some of the fear of normally beloved folks possibly bringing the virus with them. To areas with dinky hospitals and only basic clinics.

The thing is - none of us know who might be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus.
You or me might be one.

Now the researchers in New Orleans think the virus’ spread over Mardi Gras may have come from the Pacific Northwest. The Italian researchers are guessing that their strain “might” have come from China. The Iranians aren't talking.

No one knows ENOUGH. A lot of testing or drugs to beat the virus may be a year to 2 away.

I can’t even get tested out here in the Chicago suburbs. Not enough tests.

Abbott Labs in the NW Chicago suburbs looks have a good test with 18,000 lab test machines (for other application) in existence here in the US. There is not a big enough reagent supply to test enough folks - it is made in China.

It is very hard not to dwell on this pandemic.

I live on a now more limited income, with Medicare.
Am back in my late parents home - now getting more ram-shackle. Can’t work due to health and vision issues - for now.

This is not where I thought I would be - 15 years ago - but shit happens and we MUST survive.
None of us expected this scourge.

Sorry to ramble on tonight.

Talk to friends, read, write, do what exercise you can.

I am having flashbacks to so much written about in the original post. We SURVIVED.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

21/4/2020 17:33

(In reply to this)

Millions of conservatives listen to conspiracy theories 7 days a week. They will believe anything, except the truth. They've been conditioned to avoid that like the plague.


Pwers1103 (3)

16/5/2020 05:14

I've been away from this site for awhile- I'm really not one to talk online, despite the length of my blogs, but actually "do"- I did what I could for my partners & friends during the AIDS epidemic, I did what I could for my city & country during 9/11 & I am now trying to "do" here in upstate NY by volunteering in my community & being politically active; watching the course of this virus in the past couple of months has been heart-breaking, disturbing, enraging (Pres. Lysol has got to go!) & inspiring. I have found new meaning in the words "tuff" & "courageous"- those front line workers all over the country but esp down in NYC facing infection & death every day (& dying), that's tuff & courageous; one of my new heroes is that health care worker in Denver who stood in front of an SUV driven by those right wing idiots thinking their political fanaticism is more important than public health. It's difficult for me to be online on any site & talk BS when the reality dictates otherwise; I don't "do" trite very well. I do appreciate the comments above & thank all of U who have done so- it's encouraging to see intelligence in your words of support in addition to just physical strength, thanx.
