Norcalfur's blog

Organizing Wrestling Matches and Wrestling Experiences

I decided to create a blog, primarily to provide useful information for other wrestlers who might be seeking information, prior to arranging matches with particular wrestlers. My experiences, may not turn out to be similar to their own, but they are provided here, for information, and perhaps as a caution.

It should not be surprising, that a number of men on the site, are not considerate of the time, effort, and expense, others may incur, in order to meet. On my (2013) Summer trip, I had several such incidents.

Switzerland is probably the worst country, in which I have attempted to arrange matches. Few seem to be willing to host, and those who do, tend to make appointments, carelessly (a couple of whom were set to host matches, but forgot they had made appointments).

Watchout for a volatile guy in Milan, who likes to talk, and talk, but who does not seem to follow through and then places the blame, on you.
He takes no responsibility for his actions, and is quick to send off insults (in the form of angry messages, and negative recommendations), after which he utilizes the block feature, that you cannot respond.

Honestly, setting up a match, should not be so difficult, as it ends up being. Everyone should be clear about what their expectations are, make certain their opponent shares their interests, the goal of which, that it be a good experience, for both. Too often it seems, wrestlers are only focused on what they want, and do not care if their opponent, shares their interests.

Last edited on 23/4/2018 00:39 by Norcalfur
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