when i was at school i became friends with a guy. I remember how incredibly cute he looked in his tight jeans and how they showed everything off! one saturday we met up at his place when his parents were out and in the afternoon we watched some tv. There was always wrestling on at 4pm so we watched it. Within a few mins i could see he had a boner in his jeans and i certainly had one in mine. When the wrestling was finished we went outside and decided to have a fight and see if we could recreate some of the action we’d seen. As we rolled around in the grass and dirt it was pretty obvious we were both turned on and we enjoyed feeling each other up on the pretence of trying to pin each other down. Neither of us did anything about it but straight after the fight we both went to the toilet. I shot a huge load. Later he told me he had too. All through school we enjoyed meeting up, watching wrestling and jacking off. sadly we never did it together at the same time but that was the start of my love of wrestling, and my fetish with guys in jeans and wanking!
When I was around 12 years old, wearing a thin nylon Speedo after being in the pool, I was flipping through a wrestling magazine. I stumbled upon the front cover featuring Ivan Putski, a burly, hairy, and bulky pro wrestler in yellow trunks, applying a headlock to wrap up the bald head of "Hussein Arab." My heart raced with excitement, and without a second thought, I dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler one day. Huge amount of damp soaked my speedo crotch steamy ,Watching those muscular athletes in the ring fueled my passion even more.
That was when I realised how much I loved 1970's/80's pro wrestling. The days leading up to tryouts, practicing classic holds like the bearhug or camel clutch, were filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation. But my determination kept me focused on the dream of pro wrestling.
Bardzo lubiłem, kiedy przyjeżdżał do mnie brat cioteczny. Jak byliśmy sami
namawiałem go na walki zapaśnicze miałem wtedy z 12 lat on był trochę młodszy.
Zawsze starałem się być na górze byłem starszy i silniejszy więc nie miałem z tym problemu, ocierałem swojego kutasa przez spodnie o niego bawiłem się z nim do puki się nie spuściłem i od razu wychodziłem do łazienki wyczyścić spodnie, żeby nie było widać plamy od spermy. Był tylko zaskoczony, że ja tak szybko przerywam zabawę i idę do łazienki. Na początku tych zabaw nie zorjętował się, że ocierając się o niego przez spodnie spuszczam się. Trwało to ok roku nie wiem dokładnie, kiedy się zorjętował. Coraz częściej nalegał żebym tak szybko nie wychodził do łazienki tylko dalej się z nim tak bawił.
Bardzo lubiłem, kiedy przyjeżdżał do mnie brat cioteczny. Jak byliśmy sami
namawiałem go na walki zapaśnicze miałem wtedy z 12 lat on był trochę młodszy.
Zawsze starałem się być na górze byłem starszy i silniejszy więc nie miałem z tym problemu, ocierałem swojego kutasa przez spodnie o niego bawiłem się z nim do puki się nie spuściłem i od razu wychodziłem do łazienki wyczyścić spodnie, żeby nie było widać plamy od spermy. Był tylko zaskoczony, że ja tak szybko przerywam zabawę i idę do łazienki. Na początku tych zabaw nie zorjętował się, że ocierając się o niego przez spodnie spuszczam się. Trwało to ok roku nie wiem dokładnie, kiedy się zorjętował. Coraz częściej nalegał żebym tak szybko nie wychodził do łazienki tylko dalej się z nim tak bawił.
Actually, this particular match made my head explode. Around five minutes in, watch when one of the Rougeau brothers picks up a Bushwhacker to slam him. I had this on VHS and replayed it several times to make sure I wasn’t imagining what I saw.
I dug the old NWA matches on Saturday mornings. It wasn’t flashy, and it was always really straightforward with guys in trunks just going at it. Reruns of AWA were also a treat. WWF was fun for the big storylines and characters, (The Rougeau Brothers were a favorite). Also Kevin Sullivan, who I heard just passed away. My love of watching pro wrestling back then was a sign of things to follow.
Ric Drasin gave me a fucking boner as a kid and still does. Knowing him and Ken Sprague wrestled around then fucked and sucked each other off always got the cum churning in my fucking nuts.
Buff Bagwell, Magnum T.A., Frankie Kazarian, Hammerstone, StoneCold, Goldberg get my tits hard as fuck.
Same with a younger cousin, while wrestling in summer afternoon. I was always winning my younger cousin because i was 16 yo and he was only 11 or 12, so i was much tall and strong.
Until this day : during the match i was face to the mat, and he managed to sit on my back. Viewing often wrestling matches, he knew he was in the perfect position to apply quickly a camel clutch. He did ... So quickly and firmly locked that at the moment i was unable to move or to escape. My strenght superiority was this time not enough !
He kept the hold for a long time, so long time, i was in agony, not because of the hold, but because he was really winning this assault despite what i was trying to do. He was asking me to submit, i felt my terrific hardon rubbing on the mats, and i was not able to manage, and i shot a wonderfull teen cum in my pants. At the same moment i submitted to him, totally humiliated.
That was the moment i understood the jobber fun feeling.
Always jobber today.
The usual wrestling with a school-friend in his parents back garden suring Summer holidays... They were out at work and it was a hot Summer's day. Both of us in tightish worn blue jeans and T shirts.
A good wrestle with both kids trying for the pin and I got him first, boner in my jeans, and he could feel it in my schoolboy pin, my boner rubbing against his chin, trying to smother him..
He then got me in the same position and I could feel his boner in his jeans crotch while he smothered me.
Both of us sweating heavily... I came in my jeans as he continued the pin until I submitted to him. Large damp patch on my jeans which quickly dried out..
That is when I realised I enjoyed wrestling hugely
It was during my teenage years on a Saturday, watching two burly guys in tight spandex trunks on WOS British Pro Wrestling. They were locked in technical holds that had me on the edge of my seat. The way they moved, the power, the precision – it was like watching poetry in motion. And when one of them finally tapped out, pinned to the mat by the other's unyielding strength, I felt something I'd never felt before.
My cock stood at attention, straining against my shorts as I watched those muscular thighs flex and squeeze. The sound of their grunts and the smack of their bodies against the canvas echoed in my head, sending waves of arousal through me. That's when I knew I had to experience it for myself, to feel that rush of power and passion. And every time I hit the mats now, every time I lock eyes with an opponent, I think back to that moment. It's like a secret handshake, a nod to the spark that started it all.
I used to get hard watching WWF shows - Bob Backlund was an instant hardon for me.
Oddly enough, I don't think I'd get hard now if I were a kid watching modern wrestling. I was into two big guys in bathing suits beating the crap out of each other. Guys in street clothes auditioning for Cirque de Soleil don't do it for me.
Wos sat at 4 then 10 30 weds night all most got caught wanking to the weds night wrestling mick mc michael John the bear barry douglus king ben bob kirkwood. ManI love to and still do wank to them
early teens, my bud and I were looking through comic books when we both saw a Superman vs Batman issue, both looked like they were in a test of strength position......we tried to reenact the drawing and somehow, we ended up crotch to crotch. as we pinned each other and rolled around playing batman vs superman, we were grinding our crotches as well. not sure why but at some point, we decided to be wrestlers and we pulled our shirts off and press together. that feeling of warm body to warm body pressed together dazed both of us......and that's how I got into frot as an adult.
When I was about 11 I was already hooked on wrestling. A friend came over for the weekend and one of my Wrestling magazines was on my bed. He started thumbing through it and I suggested we try to copy the holds in the magazine. As we went along trading holds, we came on a picture of one wrestler holding the other in a stomach claw. My friend put the hold on my tummy and I got instantly hard. He noticed it and grabbed my hard on. I came in the stomach claw. I get hard till this day!
Actually getting hard just thinking about it!
I was ten. It was summer and my buddy and I were in tank tops and shorts in his room, he being the All American kinda kid, star ball player and popular. We swiped a Penthouse magazine and were thumbing through it. All of the sudden he wanted to wrestele and there we were on the bed rolling around. He was on top and we both froze. I felt his short fat hard=as=a=rock cock pressing into me. Instinctually, I reached down and cupped his iron-hard cakes and began squeezing them, pulling him in closer. He stopped again and whispered, "Let's do this naked," and in a flash we were standing before each other completely nude. There he stood, completely exposed, fat, hairless ballsack and short fat boner throbbing with each heartbeat. I laid back on the bed, he got on top and we started grinding until we each experienced an intense, dry explosion. It was the beginning of much to come
I was 13 me n my m8 same age wrestled naked at my place we were alone as mum n dad were out all night so we wrestled ages both got erect and pre cum was dripping out all over us as we rolled up we shot a load at same time as we were knotted up !
In the UK we had World of Sport every Saturday, the wrestling was at 4pm. I was a young kid.
I’d get hard every time. Johnny Saint was hot. The Mighty Quinn totally turned me on… he totally dominated and beat up his opponents. He was well over 6’ and big built. I wanted to be like him!
I was heavily influenced by wrestling on the telly.
I was 7, yes 7, and had been invited to my next door neighbor’s house to watch TV and have popcorn with their son. It was in suburban Chicago in 1954. We turned on the television and wrestling from Marigold Arena was on…black and white. Two beefy men approached one another on the console TV screen, entangled with each other and my little Weiner stiffened right up. My friend and I found ourselves mimicking the rasslers and I stayed hard throughout. I was hooked from then on such that I would engage him to wrestle whenever I could. He wasn’t as interested as I but I would sneak down to the family room late on Saturday nights to secretly watch and feel the wood in my PJ’s nit really knowing what it meant. To this day, at 75, I still get stiff as a steel girder watching and/or wrestling…I loved it then and I still do now…duh!!!
I was 7, yes 7, and had been invited to my next door neighbor’s house to watch TV and have popcorn with their son. It was in suburban Chicago in 1954. We turned on the television and wrestling from Marigold Arena was on…black and white. Two beefy men approached one another on the console TV screen, entangled with each other and my little Weiner stiffened right up. My friend and I found ourselves mimicking the rasslers and I stayed hard throughout. I was hooked from then on such that I would engage him to wrestle whenever I could. He wasn’t as interested as I but I would sneak down to the family room late on Saturday nights to secretly watch and feel the wood in my PJ’s nit really knowing what it meant. To this day, at 75, I still get stiff as a steel girder watching and/or wrestling…I loved it then and I still do now…duh!!!
I remember mine really clearly. I was 11 and boys in the playground used to wrestle but I was too shy to join in, so instead I went up to the strongest one and asked if we could wrestle privately at his house. We went to his but his sister kept interrupting us so the fight never happened. A couple of months later he came to mine and I plucked up the courage to ask him to fight. We had a round in our school uniform, then took our jumpers off and compared biceps, then wrestled again, then took our shirts off and compared again and… before you knew it we were in our boxers doing full body compares and really going at it. I was hard as a rock as soon as the tops came off but I didn’t really know why - looks like some of us are just made to be horny wrestlers! 😈
I was 7 and my friend was 11. It was a hot summer day and we were both shirtless. We began wrestling and he pinned down my arms above my head. I could smell us both sweating hard. He began poking on my sweaty chest and I eventually had two dry orgasms while still pinned. I’ve been hooked with shirtless sweaty wrestling ever since.
Since I was about 12 wrestling with my friends I used to get a raging boner. Didn’t know why until I got older. I was always a dominance hungry heel but it was just dormant inside of me.
I was a sophmore or junior in HS and I was lucky enough to have a friend who worked out a lot. I remember clearly that he was shorter than I was but he had an incredibly built upper body and he was even sporting a little chest hair. One day, he invited me to join him at the local Boys Club to work out. I was thrilled to join him and I made a point of choosing my tightest shorts and a ribbed tank.
When I arrived, he was already working out with free weights. He spent some time showing me form and encouraging me to do a little work on my own. After about a half hour maybe, he asked me if I wanted to try wrestling.
I jumped at the opportunity. We walked over to the mats and he took his shirt off. I think my boner started at that point. We circled each other a bit and he made a lunge to grab my legs. Down I went and we both started rolling back and forth on the mats. It wasn't long before he put a school boy pin on me and I was staring up at his smile and pumped pecs. My dick was rock hard but thankfully, it was restrained by the waist band on my shorts.
We probably went once or twice after that but I was no match for his skill or his strength.
I eventually left and smiled all the way home. I probably beat one out that night too.
When i was 11 i wrestled my girl cousin, i was in swim trunks and she was in a bikini. I got really boned and jizzed while we were rolling around. We didn't talk about it but i'm sure she knew. Then when I was 13 i wrestled naked with this boy who was also 13 and we both creamed ll over each other and that really turned me on 2 wrestling.
I was 11 when I first really got hard and errect when I was play wrestling a family friend who was in his late 20's and it would usually start while I was at his place or around his pool,I would be wearing my speedo, and he was always wearing shorts he never went swimming, but liked to sit there and get a tan, the first time it happened and we wrestled was when I put my speedo on and was just about to leave his apartment he kidded me about wrestling and wrestlers how they would wear the same thing that I was wearing, and that we should have a wrestling match and he would make it fair by wrestling me on his knees while I stood, I didn't think anything about it and said okay your on, so we wrestled he didn't put up much of a fight just enough to make me think he was, as I got him in a head lock and pushed him down on the floor he went down easy and of course he ended up on his back with me still having the head lock on him so, feeling brave I mounted him and sat on his chest with my knees pinning his arms down, thats when I got hard and of course wearing a speedo it was obvious, and he was looking at it and then up at me and back at my hard on, and pretended to buck me off which brought me forward to where I was now sitting between his chest and chin my hard on and balls where just inches away from his face, he said it was okay to be hard it was normal, which made me feel better he said if I wanted to win I would have to sit on his face so I did which made me even harder. W
Years ago, I was on a fishing trip, and there were several other kids my age all staying in the same room. Some of us came back early and started jumping around on the beds. A form of wrestling ensued, and I had one of the other kids bundled up in a blanket. In his efforts to break free, I held him tighter and realized that I was rock hard as I had him pinned under the blanket. That was subsequently one of the first times I realized I might be gay.
jeansscrapper (1)
09/9/2024 11:15when i was at school i became friends with a guy. I remember how incredibly cute he looked in his tight jeans and how they showed everything off! one saturday we met up at his place when his parents were out and in the afternoon we watched some tv. There was always wrestling on at 4pm so we watched it. Within a few mins i could see he had a boner in his jeans and i certainly had one in mine. When the wrestling was finished we went outside and decided to have a fight and see if we could recreate some of the action we’d seen. As we rolled around in the grass and dirt it was pretty obvious we were both turned on and we enjoyed feeling each other up on the pretence of trying to pin each other down. Neither of us did anything about it but straight after the fight we both went to the toilet. I shot a huge load. Later he told me he had too. All through school we enjoyed meeting up, watching wrestling and jacking off. sadly we never did it together at the same time but that was the start of my love of wrestling, and my fetish with guys in jeans and wanking!
Kentaro (0)
12/9/2024 01:09(In reply to this)
Small package (0)
08/9/2024 16:15Me n a m8 13 yrs old naked knotted up he gripped my cock in-between his feet pulled my 4 skin back tight ended with us both cuming at same time !
MaskCraig (1)
05/9/2024 05:55When I was around 12 years old, wearing a thin nylon Speedo after being in the pool, I was flipping through a wrestling magazine. I stumbled upon the front cover featuring Ivan Putski, a burly, hairy, and bulky pro wrestler in yellow trunks, applying a headlock to wrap up the bald head of "Hussein Arab." My heart raced with excitement, and without a second thought, I dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler one day. Huge amount of damp soaked my speedo crotch steamy ,Watching those muscular athletes in the ring fueled my passion even more.
That was when I realised how much I loved 1970's/80's pro wrestling. The days leading up to tryouts, practicing classic holds like the bearhug or camel clutch, were filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation. But my determination kept me focused on the dream of pro wrestling.
guma35 (0)
28/8/2024 11:47Bardzo lubiłem, kiedy przyjeżdżał do mnie brat cioteczny. Jak byliśmy sami
namawiałem go na walki zapaśnicze miałem wtedy z 12 lat on był trochę młodszy.
Zawsze starałem się być na górze byłem starszy i silniejszy więc nie miałem z tym problemu, ocierałem swojego kutasa przez spodnie o niego bawiłem się z nim do puki się nie spuściłem i od razu wychodziłem do łazienki wyczyścić spodnie, żeby nie było widać plamy od spermy. Był tylko zaskoczony, że ja tak szybko przerywam zabawę i idę do łazienki. Na początku tych zabaw nie zorjętował się, że ocierając się o niego przez spodnie spuszczam się. Trwało to ok roku nie wiem dokładnie, kiedy się zorjętował. Coraz częściej nalegał żebym tak szybko nie wychodził do łazienki tylko dalej się z nim tak bawił.
guma35 (0)
28/8/2024 11:29Bardzo lubiłem, kiedy przyjeżdżał do mnie brat cioteczny. Jak byliśmy sami
namawiałem go na walki zapaśnicze miałem wtedy z 12 lat on był trochę młodszy.
Zawsze starałem się być na górze byłem starszy i silniejszy więc nie miałem z tym problemu, ocierałem swojego kutasa przez spodnie o niego bawiłem się z nim do puki się nie spuściłem i od razu wychodziłem do łazienki wyczyścić spodnie, żeby nie było widać plamy od spermy. Był tylko zaskoczony, że ja tak szybko przerywam zabawę i idę do łazienki. Na początku tych zabaw nie zorjętował się, że ocierając się o niego przez spodnie spuszczam się. Trwało to ok roku nie wiem dokładnie, kiedy się zorjętował. Coraz częściej nalegał żebym tak szybko nie wychodził do łazienki tylko dalej się z nim tak bawił.
OtterGuy (2)
13/8/2024 02:32Actually, this particular match made my head explode. Around five minutes in, watch when one of the Rougeau brothers picks up a Bushwhacker to slam him. I had this on VHS and replayed it several times to make sure I wasn’t imagining what I saw.
Ftldude (0)
31/8/2024 18:19(In reply to this)
i saw that too, he gave the guys crotch a nice tug ! hot !!!!
4fun (100 )
29/8/2024 06:29(In reply to this)
Tito Santana and Ricky Martel
07/9/2024 01:22(In reply to this)
30/8/2024 05:27(In reply to this)
YUM! And that next day I went online to find my opponents!
JiminQueens2 (58)
29/8/2024 21:14(In reply to this)
Together, against each other, or both?😁
OtterGuy (2)
30/8/2024 15:25(In reply to this)
I liked them better against each other. Handsome as a team, but more fun watching them go at it.
son4coach (0 )
13/8/2024 05:49(In reply to this)
That was pretty funny. LOL.
Ftldude (0)
31/8/2024 18:20(In reply to this)
and erotic too. that would get me stiff !
OtterGuy (2)
13/8/2024 01:16I dug the old NWA matches on Saturday mornings. It wasn’t flashy, and it was always really straightforward with guys in trunks just going at it. Reruns of AWA were also a treat. WWF was fun for the big storylines and characters, (The Rougeau Brothers were a favorite). Also Kevin Sullivan, who I heard just passed away. My love of watching pro wrestling back then was a sign of things to follow.
exchhldsblws (1)
13/8/2024 06:32(In reply to this)
My fave was Tully Blanchard, mid 80s
OtterGuy (2)
14/8/2024 05:57(In reply to this)
Tully was sexy. Arn and Ole Anderson were a treat to see as well.
12/8/2024 20:29Ric Drasin gave me a fucking boner as a kid and still does. Knowing him and Ken Sprague wrestled around then fucked and sucked each other off always got the cum churning in my fucking nuts.
Buff Bagwell, Magnum T.A., Frankie Kazarian, Hammerstone, StoneCold, Goldberg get my tits hard as fuck.
Ftldude (0)
31/8/2024 02:23(In reply to this)
goldberg is hot always ! what a sexy dude !
grkwrestler (1)
13/8/2024 05:36(In reply to this)
I agree....those guys got me hard too. Knowing Drasin and Sprague had sex is so fucking hot.
13/8/2024 21:17(In reply to this)
Drasin, Sprague and pro bodybuilder Bob Birdsong had intense 3ways. Back in the day.
grkwrestler (1)
31/8/2024 15:58(In reply to this)
Knowing those guys had sex is a fantasy come to life
03/9/2024 19:15(In reply to this)
I'm looking for the link for you. I saw the vid on a porn site once.
ladron fr (53)
12/8/2024 12:43Same with a younger cousin, while wrestling in summer afternoon. I was always winning my younger cousin because i was 16 yo and he was only 11 or 12, so i was much tall and strong.
Until this day : during the match i was face to the mat, and he managed to sit on my back. Viewing often wrestling matches, he knew he was in the perfect position to apply quickly a camel clutch. He did ... So quickly and firmly locked that at the moment i was unable to move or to escape. My strenght superiority was this time not enough !
He kept the hold for a long time, so long time, i was in agony, not because of the hold, but because he was really winning this assault despite what i was trying to do. He was asking me to submit, i felt my terrific hardon rubbing on the mats, and i was not able to manage, and i shot a wonderfull teen cum in my pants. At the same moment i submitted to him, totally humiliated.
That was the moment i understood the jobber fun feeling.
Always jobber today.
Steve (3)
12/8/2024 15:48(In reply to this)
It appears that most of us, having had wrestling experiences in our youth, hold on to those memories and want to continue the fun...
Steve (3)
12/8/2024 11:03The usual wrestling with a school-friend in his parents back garden suring Summer holidays... They were out at work and it was a hot Summer's day. Both of us in tightish worn blue jeans and T shirts.
A good wrestle with both kids trying for the pin and I got him first, boner in my jeans, and he could feel it in my schoolboy pin, my boner rubbing against his chin, trying to smother him..
He then got me in the same position and I could feel his boner in his jeans crotch while he smothered me.
Both of us sweating heavily... I came in my jeans as he continued the pin until I submitted to him. Large damp patch on my jeans which quickly dried out..
That is when I realised I enjoyed wrestling hugely
bigt730 (11 )
12/8/2024 06:57It was during my teenage years on a Saturday, watching two burly guys in tight spandex trunks on WOS British Pro Wrestling. They were locked in technical holds that had me on the edge of my seat. The way they moved, the power, the precision – it was like watching poetry in motion. And when one of them finally tapped out, pinned to the mat by the other's unyielding strength, I felt something I'd never felt before.
My cock stood at attention, straining against my shorts as I watched those muscular thighs flex and squeeze. The sound of their grunts and the smack of their bodies against the canvas echoed in my head, sending waves of arousal through me. That's when I knew I had to experience it for myself, to feel that rush of power and passion. And every time I hit the mats now, every time I lock eyes with an opponent, I think back to that moment. It's like a secret handshake, a nod to the spark that started it all.
JiminQueens2 (58)
11/8/2024 21:14I used to get hard watching WWF shows - Bob Backlund was an instant hardon for me.
Oddly enough, I don't think I'd get hard now if I were a kid watching modern wrestling. I was into two big guys in bathing suits beating the crap out of each other. Guys in street clothes auditioning for Cirque de Soleil don't do it for me.
Derry wrestler 61 (0)
22/2/2024 11:18Wos sat at 4 then 10 30 weds night all most got caught wanking to the weds night wrestling mick mc michael John the bear barry douglus king ben bob kirkwood. ManI love to and still do wank to them
11/8/2024 03:36(In reply to this)
I always get very hard watching world of sport bouts mm
muscldbull (0)
01/2/2024 01:07early teens, my bud and I were looking through comic books when we both saw a Superman vs Batman issue, both looked like they were in a test of strength position......we tried to reenact the drawing and somehow, we ended up crotch to crotch. as we pinned each other and rolled around playing batman vs superman, we were grinding our crotches as well. not sure why but at some point, we decided to be wrestlers and we pulled our shirts off and press together. that feeling of warm body to warm body pressed together dazed both of us......and that's how I got into frot as an adult.
ProRassler (0)
31/1/2024 18:12When I was about 11 I was already hooked on wrestling. A friend came over for the weekend and one of my Wrestling magazines was on my bed. He started thumbing through it and I suggested we try to copy the holds in the magazine. As we went along trading holds, we came on a picture of one wrestler holding the other in a stomach claw. My friend put the hold on my tummy and I got instantly hard. He noticed it and grabbed my hard on. I came in the stomach claw. I get hard till this day!
Actually getting hard just thinking about it!
Snappinit (0)
29/1/2024 22:59I was ten. It was summer and my buddy and I were in tank tops and shorts in his room, he being the All American kinda kid, star ball player and popular. We swiped a Penthouse magazine and were thumbing through it. All of the sudden he wanted to wrestele and there we were on the bed rolling around. He was on top and we both froze. I felt his short fat hard=as=a=rock cock pressing into me. Instinctually, I reached down and cupped his iron-hard cakes and began squeezing them, pulling him in closer. He stopped again and whispered, "Let's do this naked," and in a flash we were standing before each other completely nude. There he stood, completely exposed, fat, hairless ballsack and short fat boner throbbing with each heartbeat. I laid back on the bed, he got on top and we started grinding until we each experienced an intense, dry explosion. It was the beginning of much to come
Ftldude (0)
26/7/2024 20:26(In reply to this)
nice. so there was more good times ?
Small package (0)
19/5/2023 14:56I was 13 me n my m8 same age wrestled naked at my place we were alone as mum n dad were out all night so we wrestled ages both got erect and pre cum was dripping out all over us as we rolled up we shot a load at same time as we were knotted up !
Fitbloke (10)
19/5/2023 09:40In the UK we had World of Sport every Saturday, the wrestling was at 4pm. I was a young kid.
I’d get hard every time. Johnny Saint was hot. The Mighty Quinn totally turned me on… he totally dominated and beat up his opponents. He was well over 6’ and big built. I wanted to be like him!
I was heavily influenced by wrestling on the telly.
Derry wrestler 61 (0)
22/2/2024 11:13(In reply to this)
Wos wrestling was hot like the bigger men hairy in trunks
BritproBear65 (13)
30/1/2024 07:15(In reply to this)
Me too. I used to love 4pm on a Saturday afternoon. I’d wank myself stupid
Leatherjacketon (1)
16/10/2023 11:42(In reply to this)
Same here, would sit hiding my hard on the entire time
Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )
19/5/2023 08:12I was 7, yes 7, and had been invited to my next door neighbor’s house to watch TV and have popcorn with their son. It was in suburban Chicago in 1954. We turned on the television and wrestling from Marigold Arena was on…black and white. Two beefy men approached one another on the console TV screen, entangled with each other and my little Weiner stiffened right up. My friend and I found ourselves mimicking the rasslers and I stayed hard throughout. I was hooked from then on such that I would engage him to wrestle whenever I could. He wasn’t as interested as I but I would sneak down to the family room late on Saturday nights to secretly watch and feel the wood in my PJ’s nit really knowing what it meant. To this day, at 75, I still get stiff as a steel girder watching and/or wrestling…I loved it then and I still do now…duh!!!
Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )
19/5/2023 08:11I was 7, yes 7, and had been invited to my next door neighbor’s house to watch TV and have popcorn with their son. It was in suburban Chicago in 1954. We turned on the television and wrestling from Marigold Arena was on…black and white. Two beefy men approached one another on the console TV screen, entangled with each other and my little Weiner stiffened right up. My friend and I found ourselves mimicking the rasslers and I stayed hard throughout. I was hooked from then on such that I would engage him to wrestle whenever I could. He wasn’t as interested as I but I would sneak down to the family room late on Saturday nights to secretly watch and feel the wood in my PJ’s nit really knowing what it meant. To this day, at 75, I still get stiff as a steel girder watching and/or wrestling…I loved it then and I still do now…duh!!!
maxiwrestler (20)
18/5/2023 05:27I remember mine really clearly. I was 11 and boys in the playground used to wrestle but I was too shy to join in, so instead I went up to the strongest one and asked if we could wrestle privately at his house. We went to his but his sister kept interrupting us so the fight never happened. A couple of months later he came to mine and I plucked up the courage to ask him to fight. We had a round in our school uniform, then took our jumpers off and compared biceps, then wrestled again, then took our shirts off and compared again and… before you knew it we were in our boxers doing full body compares and really going at it. I was hard as a rock as soon as the tops came off but I didn’t really know why - looks like some of us are just made to be horny wrestlers! 😈
tigerbob1964 (10 )
15/10/2023 14:28(In reply to this)
I was 7 and my friend was 11. It was a hot summer day and we were both shirtless. We began wrestling and he pinned down my arms above my head. I could smell us both sweating hard. He began poking on my sweaty chest and I eventually had two dry orgasms while still pinned. I’ve been hooked with shirtless sweaty wrestling ever since.
paulyielding (2)
18/5/2023 08:05(In reply to this)
That is very horny …. Maybe we could recreate that experience?
18/5/2023 07:32(In reply to this)
Yeah reading that has me hard as a rock. Thanks for sharing.
17/5/2023 18:22Since I was about 12 wrestling with my friends I used to get a raging boner. Didn’t know why until I got older. I was always a dominance hungry heel but it was just dormant inside of me.
Stephen091 (1)
17/5/2023 22:15(In reply to this)
Very similar experience - I wasn't sure what I loved exactly about the struggle and skin contact with my buddy until i got older.
17/5/2023 22:43(In reply to this)
Yh I love this. Thanks for sharing!
Stephen091 (1)
01/5/2023 16:26I was a sophmore or junior in HS and I was lucky enough to have a friend who worked out a lot. I remember clearly that he was shorter than I was but he had an incredibly built upper body and he was even sporting a little chest hair. One day, he invited me to join him at the local Boys Club to work out. I was thrilled to join him and I made a point of choosing my tightest shorts and a ribbed tank.
When I arrived, he was already working out with free weights. He spent some time showing me form and encouraging me to do a little work on my own. After about a half hour maybe, he asked me if I wanted to try wrestling.
I jumped at the opportunity. We walked over to the mats and he took his shirt off. I think my boner started at that point. We circled each other a bit and he made a lunge to grab my legs. Down I went and we both started rolling back and forth on the mats. It wasn't long before he put a school boy pin on me and I was staring up at his smile and pumped pecs. My dick was rock hard but thankfully, it was restrained by the waist band on my shorts.
We probably went once or twice after that but I was no match for his skill or his strength.
I eventually left and smiled all the way home. I probably beat one out that night too.
dirtybarefet (0)
31/3/2023 02:48When i was 11 i wrestled my girl cousin, i was in swim trunks and she was in a bikini. I got really boned and jizzed while we were rolling around. We didn't talk about it but i'm sure she knew. Then when I was 13 i wrestled naked with this boy who was also 13 and we both creamed ll over each other and that really turned me on 2 wrestling.
18/5/2023 08:10(In reply to this)
Wow that’s amazing 🦹🏿♂️
bdcan2001 (1)
31/3/2023 02:08I was 11 when I first really got hard and errect when I was play wrestling a family friend who was in his late 20's and it would usually start while I was at his place or around his pool,I would be wearing my speedo, and he was always wearing shorts he never went swimming, but liked to sit there and get a tan, the first time it happened and we wrestled was when I put my speedo on and was just about to leave his apartment he kidded me about wrestling and wrestlers how they would wear the same thing that I was wearing, and that we should have a wrestling match and he would make it fair by wrestling me on his knees while I stood, I didn't think anything about it and said okay your on, so we wrestled he didn't put up much of a fight just enough to make me think he was, as I got him in a head lock and pushed him down on the floor he went down easy and of course he ended up on his back with me still having the head lock on him so, feeling brave I mounted him and sat on his chest with my knees pinning his arms down, thats when I got hard and of course wearing a speedo it was obvious, and he was looking at it and then up at me and back at my hard on, and pretended to buck me off which brought me forward to where I was now sitting between his chest and chin my hard on and balls where just inches away from his face, he said it was okay to be hard it was normal, which made me feel better he said if I wanted to win I would have to sit on his face so I did which made me even harder. W
Wrestlingjobberblkboy (1 )
01/5/2023 09:12(In reply to this)
Nice story 🤼♂️
Demonfire2 (0)
30/3/2023 20:41Years ago, I was on a fishing trip, and there were several other kids my age all staying in the same room. Some of us came back early and started jumping around on the beds. A form of wrestling ensued, and I had one of the other kids bundled up in a blanket. In his efforts to break free, I held him tighter and realized that I was rock hard as I had him pinned under the blanket. That was subsequently one of the first times I realized I might be gay.