Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Total Abs exhaustion. ???

RadnerBearman (0)

20/6/2019 19:46

One of the biggest issues I have as a Conditioning Trainer is trying to get my clients to learn to isolate the diaphragm. Most people have to learn this. It dosent come naturally. Boxers, kickboxers, martial arts practitioners all have to learn to control their breathing or their lack if control will take them OUT. You Can Not hold your breath when doing core exercises. You must be taking bug deep breaths while cranking out the exercise. Other wise its an anaerobic exercise rather than an aerobic one. So when you are cranking out the routine, BREATH. And fuel the blood and you will preform better.


GutPunchBG (4 )

18/5/2019 06:05

sound good!


RadnerBearman (0)

09/3/2019 18:37

How many of you are into forced core exhaustion total abs fatigue. Being unable to tighten up or to flex. Or from working your abdominals to total failure. This is with exercize or blows to the abs to total failure ? I am.


gymrat (40)

20/6/2019 18:43

(In reply to this)

never got there. But i do hanging "crunches" - which are far more than crunches but i pull my legs up above the bar from which i hang - and hold, front, left, right. Much like a windshield wiper. A full core curl so that I'm getting the upper, lower and middle abs, plus the obliques on L&R.

So, i do this until i simply cannot breathe. So oxygen failure, not abs failure. Often my fingertips are beginning to slip on the bar too....

BTW i do these while holding a 90-deg pull up



RadnerBearman (0)

06/7/2019 16:30

(In reply to this)

You know as well as I do that. We have to breath. When we are boxing we aren’t holding our breath. If we are. We will be quickly defeated. I have to force my clients to take the deepest breaths while pulling in their ab wall as hard as the can. We have to teach boxers and kickboxers this as a part of their conditioning

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