I actually lived out this scenario when I was 16. A foster kid moved in around the corner from me. Of course I lived with my parents. At the time though I lived in an in-law studio which was downstairs from the main house. I was always home from school around 3:30. My parents both worked, so I was alone until 6:00. One day I invited the new kid on the block over. We chatted about his situation. He told me he had been in and out of different foster homes because he just didn’t get along with the other kids in the home. He told me that he would get into fights with the boys and argue with the girls. That’s why they placed him with a couple without children. The next day I had a plan. I had set up my room like a mat area. He came over and we had our usual chat session in the small sitting area that was next to my bedroom. We chatted about school. How I seemed to be popular playing baseball, football, and tennis with my friends. I said yeah it was fun. He said yeah there fun games for little boys. But a real man likes to fight. What? Yeah you play little boy games, but can you fight? Well I’ve wrestled with my friend. Laughter rang out. Why the laughing I said. Wrestling? That’s fake. He said. Then he looked at me and “sports boy I bet I can kick your ass”! What? I said I can kick your ass! My response “Let’s Do This”. He then said right now? Yeah you challenged me! Let’s do this. I opened the curtain to the bedroom area. He said what’s this? I said to him you wanted to fight so let’s do this. He said wait a minute this set up looks kind of “gay” to me. I said you want to fight than put up or shut up. With that I pushed him in the room. You think you so bad come on. What you chickening out now? With that he threw the first punch and the fight was on. There were a lot of punches thrown, elbows used, lot of ground fighting and intense verbal chatter. We fought for about 45 minutes back and forth until exhaustion. I don’t know how but we ended up shirtless, sock less, shoeless nothing but our jeans were on by the end of the fight. I don’t even remember who won. All I remember is that’s when I became enamored with fighting and wrestling. And oh yeah as long as Andrew lived around the corner from me we would have our Friday afternoon fights. Although the following fights were never as intense as the first one.
Man ! What great story that is, and there was something like that in my junior high and freshman high school years.
A new guy in my class moved-in and lived on the next block and his parents both worked until 5 or 6. I don't remember the details of how the first wrestling fight started at his house, but he challenged me and I knew I wanted to wrestle him real bad. I'm sure he did, too. At first he could take me quite easily, but later the fights got pretty even as I gained experience and learned his moves and his weaknesses. Lots of long-held holds, too, where we really didn't move around a lot, lots of body scissors applied and held-tight.
So we would wrestle several afternoons for a couple years as junior high and freshman high school kids. Oh, and he went to the same church as I did, so we would walk to church on Sunday and talk about how we liked each other as friends who weren't afraid to fight shirtless when we had the chance together. We both got hard doing it, too. I remember.
I always think this is such a hot scenario.
A new guy moving in...
Saying hi
And then one thing leads to another
Maybe it’s
I see you workout want to see my gym
Can I help with those boxes...
And then...
Or ..
The fun is endless!
My favorite kind of matches is one where my opponent and I work out a scenario. It makes the match seem more personal. Rival Dad vs Dad. Boyfriend vs Husband. Rival Neighbor vs Neighbor. Rival Coach vs Coach. Co-Worker vs Co-Worker. Rival applicants fighting for the same job. These are some that I have gotten into. The fight seems much more intense and hotter when you work out a scenario with your opponent before you meet to fight.
Agree that would be hot. He’s moving in, hot day moving last boxes etc.
I go over to say g’day. He asks can I help move this big rolled up mat inside. Happy to help.
Place into a large spare room and he unrolls a big wrestling mat. 😛.
Chat leads to work out discussion and then wrestling discussion.
He says he’s finished moving, would I like to wrestle him as a welcome to the neighbourhood. Sure but I don’t have gear.
He says happy to go nude if I’m up for it.
.... so begins a great friendship
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
04/3/2022 12:25I actually lived out this scenario when I was 16. A foster kid moved in around the corner from me. Of course I lived with my parents. At the time though I lived in an in-law studio which was downstairs from the main house. I was always home from school around 3:30. My parents both worked, so I was alone until 6:00. One day I invited the new kid on the block over. We chatted about his situation. He told me he had been in and out of different foster homes because he just didn’t get along with the other kids in the home. He told me that he would get into fights with the boys and argue with the girls. That’s why they placed him with a couple without children. The next day I had a plan. I had set up my room like a mat area. He came over and we had our usual chat session in the small sitting area that was next to my bedroom. We chatted about school. How I seemed to be popular playing baseball, football, and tennis with my friends. I said yeah it was fun. He said yeah there fun games for little boys. But a real man likes to fight. What? Yeah you play little boy games, but can you fight? Well I’ve wrestled with my friend. Laughter rang out. Why the laughing I said. Wrestling? That’s fake. He said. Then he looked at me and “sports boy I bet I can kick your ass”! What? I said I can kick your ass! My response “Let’s Do This”. He then said right now? Yeah you challenged me! Let’s do this. I opened the curtain to the bedroom area. He said what’s this? I said to him you wanted to fight so let’s do this. He said wait a minute this set up looks kind of “gay” to me. I said you want to fight than put up or shut up. With that I pushed him in the room. You think you so bad come on. What you chickening out now? With that he threw the first punch and the fight was on. There were a lot of punches thrown, elbows used, lot of ground fighting and intense verbal chatter. We fought for about 45 minutes back and forth until exhaustion. I don’t know how but we ended up shirtless, sock less, shoeless nothing but our jeans were on by the end of the fight. I don’t even remember who won. All I remember is that’s when I became enamored with fighting and wrestling. And oh yeah as long as Andrew lived around the corner from me we would have our Friday afternoon fights. Although the following fights were never as intense as the first one.
guywhowrestles (0)
02/4/2022 23:07(In reply to this)
Man ! What great story that is, and there was something like that in my junior high and freshman high school years.
A new guy in my class moved-in and lived on the next block and his parents both worked until 5 or 6. I don't remember the details of how the first wrestling fight started at his house, but he challenged me and I knew I wanted to wrestle him real bad. I'm sure he did, too. At first he could take me quite easily, but later the fights got pretty even as I gained experience and learned his moves and his weaknesses. Lots of long-held holds, too, where we really didn't move around a lot, lots of body scissors applied and held-tight.
So we would wrestle several afternoons for a couple years as junior high and freshman high school kids. Oh, and he went to the same church as I did, so we would walk to church on Sunday and talk about how we liked each other as friends who weren't afraid to fight shirtless when we had the chance together. We both got hard doing it, too. I remember.
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
03/4/2022 16:08(In reply to this)
HOT! Man! Sounds like you guys had fun growing up together.
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
03/4/2022 00:46(In reply to this)
Had the same experience 1 lived down the block and so did some others. and went to same school/church. Luv to wrestle U someday soon too
BenfromBritain (0)
20/7/2020 13:00I always think this is such a hot scenario.
A new guy moving in...
Saying hi
And then one thing leads to another
Maybe it’s
I see you workout want to see my gym
Can I help with those boxes...
And then...
Or ..
The fun is endless!
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
10/4/2022 15:34(In reply to this)
My favorite kind of matches is one where my opponent and I work out a scenario. It makes the match seem more personal. Rival Dad vs Dad. Boyfriend vs Husband. Rival Neighbor vs Neighbor. Rival Coach vs Coach. Co-Worker vs Co-Worker. Rival applicants fighting for the same job. These are some that I have gotten into. The fight seems much more intense and hotter when you work out a scenario with your opponent before you meet to fight.
BenfromBritain (0)
16/4/2022 01:15(In reply to this)
I like these
SeattleFight (509)
11/4/2022 09:03(In reply to this)
I love all those scenarios for a fight and have done many. It adds intensity to the action.
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
11/4/2022 12:58(In reply to this)
I agree. So, what do you say? You man enough to go at it with me on one of these or a scenarios? Or maybe another of your choosing?
westsydwrestler (17)
21/7/2020 08:02(In reply to this)
Agree that would be hot. He’s moving in, hot day moving last boxes etc.
I go over to say g’day. He asks can I help move this big rolled up mat inside. Happy to help.
Place into a large spare room and he unrolls a big wrestling mat. 😛.
Chat leads to work out discussion and then wrestling discussion.
He says he’s finished moving, would I like to wrestle him as a welcome to the neighbourhood. Sure but I don’t have gear.
He says happy to go nude if I’m up for it.
.... so begins a great friendship
BenfromBritain (0)
30/7/2020 08:34(In reply to this)
Sounds ideal