
fig4 crotch to face

Wrapmeup (3)

18/12/2018 08:48

Love any kind of scissor holds Fig 4 particularly Nothing like feeling the power of a great pair of quads wrapped round you


Riverwalker49 (3)

17/12/2018 18:00

A young Asian guy asked if I would show him some wrestling holds and i said sure. Should him simple stuff like headlock and arm bar, full nelson. Then I put him in a big bear hug and squeezed him and could tell he loved it. So, on to body scissors...I could tell he was getting more and more excited so I switched to a front facing head scissors.....his eyes got big as he was facing the head of my cock peaking out from my black bikini! It wasn't long before he applied his own hold. A tight LIP LOCK on my cock and I didn't want to get out of that! Wow....
If you are coming to San Antonio...come and I'll put YOU in my headscissors! GRRR...


punchbagnyc (0)

06/5/2018 22:09

anyone in LA can do that to me.


wiwrestler37 (0)

27/4/2018 17:35

Have seen Videos with this hold and would love to be put into that hold!


Jayshanny23 (0)

27/4/2018 12:43

Yes, experienced it. Very humbling to be dominated like that! Great hold.


Lutte Cannes (20 )

27/4/2018 06:43

Love this hold and all variants.
The facesit one is hot!


zbobsled (0)

27/4/2018 00:27

Love being trapped in a tight figure 4...


Shapeshifter (30)

19/4/2018 19:25

Experienced it rarely but applied it much more often; that and my preferred version which is in reverse, with my opponent caught in a figure four facesit.


zbobsled (0)

11/12/2018 12:24

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Love the reverse figure four!


calwrestler (147)

05/12/2018 23:29

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fig4facesit.....one of the hottest holds, and very difficult to break out of !


akumala1 (2)

08/12/2018 18:59

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I agree! I want to be dominated in this way.


hantsgut (5 )

19/4/2018 16:39

You can try that one on me


jobberasian (27)

18/4/2018 12:34

No but I'd like to, very much :D


chispeedo (2)

18/12/2018 16:03

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Love to show you that fig 4 smother in LV! Please log in to view gallery photos.


jobberasian (27)

18/12/2018 21:55

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Ha - figure 4 in a red jump suit nice :D Can't wait!


fig4headscizzor (0 )

18/4/2018 10:08

I apply a crotch to face fig4.I then place one hand on my boot the other on the back of the victim's head and roll over so I am on top.I release when the thong is pulled out of my ass.Has anyone experienced this fig4 smother?


Jayshanny23 (0)

24/9/2018 21:46

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Wow! Total domination!


Lutte Cannes (20 )

24/9/2018 05:36

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Best hold and position
Humiliating for the Jobber


JobberWrestler89 (0)

23/9/2018 22:07

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Sounds awesome. Totally take you on!


vostok scissors (5)

27/4/2018 06:59

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Sounds hot :) would love to try that :)


leanaussiemuscle (31)

19/4/2018 11:41

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No but I would love to!

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