Gutpunching give/take/trade

How long does it take to heal from a rib shot?

gpau1900 (5 )

05/6/2017 11:44

I think an appointment with a Doctor might be a good idea...


Tristan98765 (11)

06/6/2017 04:20

(In reply to this)

Actually, I'm feeling a lot better today and expect to go back to my workout routine tomorrow. Just a little residual tenderness. But thanks for the advice.


Magneto (5)

04/6/2017 16:00

I'd suggest going to see a doctor to get and actual diagnosis vs what may be's.


Tristan98765 (11)

04/6/2017 17:48

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the advice. It's actually a lot better today, so I think I'm going to be fine without a consultation. If it wasn't improving I would definitely get it checked out.


ruffguystuff (1)

04/6/2017 05:41

you're welcome - sounds like a bruised rib, irritating but will heal in a week or two. Look at it this way, the time you have to refrain from impact play will only make it more enjoyable (and intense!) when you get back into it!


Tristan98765 (11)

03/6/2017 16:30

I enjoyed a hot tussle with a fellow six days ago. At one point he was punching my pecs and missed a shot, hitting me pretty hard in the ribs just below my left nipple. It hurt a bit at the time but I tossed it off in the heat of the moment. The next day however it hurt like a mf and taking a normal breath was really painful. I'm sure I don't have a broken rib as that would be much more painful than this, and it's getting better slowly, but almost a week later it still hurts too much for me to do normal exercise with free weights.

How long does it take to heal from that kind of fib shot? I know some of you have been there, no doubt.


ruffguystuff (1)

03/6/2017 17:19

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You may have a cracked or fractured rib, which in my experience was much more painful than a broken rib. Unfortunately it also takes longer to heal than a broken rib - mine took about 4-6 weeks and I had to wear a compression band. If its just a bruised rib it will take a few weeks. You might think about laying off the upper body weight routines for a few weeks.


Tristan98765 (11)

04/6/2017 01:43

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the message, I appreciate it. I doubt I have a cracked or fractured rib because I think that would be more painful than what I'm experiencing I don't think I need a compression bandage as I'm able to go about my typical daily routine. I have already skipped much of my workout, which annoys me. The overhead triceps stuff was unbearable, as was anything that engaged the left side of my torso for stability. I'm actually feeling a bit better today, so hopefully have a bruised rib and will be back to normal in a few weeks.

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