Gutpunching give/take/trade

A good meal before GP or empty stomach ?

bellypunchee52 (0)

22/5/2018 15:35

Empty of course and always empty your bladder and bowels before taking punching in the gut. Getting hit can cause a bowel movement if you have food in their.


Mutz (0)

21/5/2018 11:05

Leaving it for 3 hours, means that your stomach is relatively empty. We learned as kids that a small glass of coke or other soda, and some dried fruit worked like a dream. You leave things be for say 40 minutes, and by then your gut is nicely filled with gas. You get a really loud hollow thud when punched in the stomach. The interesting thing being is that there is no pain or real discomfort. No urge to bark at the ants either.


Gutboxer (46)

19/5/2018 18:07

I have bloated up my gut with water or beer. My belly was tight like a drum and all that liquid just sloshed around and made my big belly a water balloon.


Haarek (1)

19/5/2018 18:17

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Really ? How did you take the punching ? You prefer som "stuffing" ?


Gutboxer (46)

19/5/2018 18:19

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Took it pretty well, but had to piss like crazy!!!


jed7720 (13)

19/5/2018 15:25

I like a partially full stomach. Some GP contestants want to see how much they can hold. and take. Its a pain and submission thing. Naturally the fuller it is, the more stretching
effect. Drinking water is good for this. Then taking punches. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Haarek (1)

19/5/2018 16:16

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I like this, Jed. I Will try this one day. Tempted to be punched in a full stomach. Guess everybody Who enjoy being punched have to find out what work best for them.


halndallas (6)

19/5/2018 11:52

no way full. if one likes the sensation of being sick to their stomach ok for you . Ive had brkfast knocked out of me once and it was horrible feeling . Anotherr time I was nauseated after being kicked repeatedly in the stomach and it took 3 hours to puke. Not for me.


Haarek (1)

19/5/2018 11:57

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Guess it depends on how much food you have inside your stomach ?
More stuffing, more pain


lived eht (2)

19/5/2018 11:42

Just the thought of being hit so hard in the belly it makes me puke up is a real turn on. And would love to be tied up against a wall and gut beat till i shit myself . Gut beaten so bad that i can no longer control my bowel. The pain the embarrassment. It would be awesome.


BSF (38 )

18/5/2018 17:10

I worked a guy's gut after we'd eaten a meal and he had to go and throw up, so empty is best.


Haarek (1)

18/5/2018 22:55

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Good point. I also shareda meal with a puncher which I met for the first time. A goodlooking young man. It was exiting to eat and thinking about him going to gutpunch me. We waited about two hours for the gutpunching. I still go for a meal two hours before.


slimp (0)

18/5/2018 04:24

I like being completely empty. I can take way more hits that way, and I feel a deep flash of pain as the fist sinks in close to the spine. Besides, is it more fun to watch someone puke, or take a hit?


mackabs (0)

19/5/2018 13:58

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Its fun to watch them puke as they take a punch


lived eht (2)

17/5/2018 19:07

Can do either. But do really like it when im full and bloated after a good meal. Would Love it so hard it makes me puke up. Or dedicate myself.


Haarek (1)

16/5/2018 22:47

I prefer a good meal (beef, hamburger) 2-3 hours before a gutpunching session. What about you ? Somebody like to be hit on a empty stomach.

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