Gutpunching give/take/trade

A Gut Punching Game That Really Forced Me To Test My Pain Limits

DavidW (0)

23/2/2016 19:49

The game I like is saying things to make the puncher angry while I am standing against a wall with my hands cuffed behind my back.


WatertownJobber (0)

30/11/2015 18:03

Love hearing about both of these games. Now to find someone willing to play with me. Just leave my nuts alone.


Hotbelly (4)

01/12/2015 00:11

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I am ready whenever you are..😃


Dunla (2)

28/11/2015 03:18

Okay no. I'm willing to do it this way. Too bad there's no prospects in SC.


Hotbelly (4)

28/11/2015 05:31

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I want to play this game....someone bring it on.


ruffguystuff (1)

27/11/2015 18:53

interesting how those of us into GP can be so creative (!). Never played the dice game, but have played with decks of cards. The most challenging was 2 decks shuffled together, with the card value determining how many punches and suits representing how punches were delivered: bare knucks, fight gloves, bag gloves w/ kevlar knuckle pads, and SAP/tactical lead shot gloves. Jacks allowed for an uppercut or knee to the nuts during the 10 punches, and jokers allowed 5 minutes as the punisher determined.


BrawlinBob (1)

29/11/2015 21:56

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Skip the nut shots and I'll take you on. Instead, how about a Jack multiplies the number of gut shots by two, and two Jacks equals 30 gut punches? As for jokers, how about one multiplies abs smashes by three and two jokers equals 40 shots? And then, the dreaded combination of a Jack and a Joker = five minutes of punches and gut claws. The suits determining the "weapon" to be used works for me. Please log in to view gallery photos.


GutpunchMexico (10 )

09/1/2016 03:30

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yo quiero jugar eso!!!!


GruntOutLoud (0)

08/1/2016 02:34

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You could do a version of this same game using and a few smartphones.

On one wheel - the number of gut shots, on another wheel gloves, bare knucks etc.

If you have a third guy there do another wheel that decides if the victim is restrained or free-standing for his punishment ... full nelson, tied, free-standing.

You could begin the session by doing a wheel with the guy's names ... the wheel decides who becomes victim du jour. Please log in to view gallery photos.


ruffguystuff (1)

29/11/2015 23:18

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a creative and challenging approach - I'm game


BrawlinBob (1)

29/11/2015 23:50

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Man, I hope you draw that Jack/Joker combo so I can watch you grit your teeth as I punch and claw your gut. LOL We would have fun, buddy.


GruntOutLoud (0)

08/1/2016 02:10

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If we ever play cards ... be sure to stack the decks with extra Jacks and Jokers then man!


LondonSE16 (2)

27/11/2015 11:51

I've done a similar game with a pack of playing cards, as there are 13 different ones to choose from, it can get a lot rougher:

hi, i've thought of a game we can play next time we meet. basically a pack of cards is shuffled and a card is picked and that will depend on what you do to me and how many times/how long. clubs is punch/thump me, spades is stomp or trample me, diamonds is facesit me hard, hearts is spit in my mouth. ace to ten is 1 to 10, jack is 15, queen is 20, king is 25 and joker is a massive 50.

so 5 of clubs, punch me 5 times

jack of spades, stomp me or walk on me 15 times

king of diamonds, sit on my face hard for 25 seconds

8 of hearts, spit in my mouth 8 times

joker you would decide, but either 50 punches, tramples, facesits or spits or a combination

when you've used the first card, pick another until YOU'VE had enough


Gutstrike (4)

26/11/2015 07:10

I have enjoyed a gut punching game using dice. One first die determines where you are punched and the second die determines the number of punches to that area of the abs. On The first die roll: a one means center above the navel, a two means right on the navel, a three means left of the navel, a four means right of the navel, a five means centered below the navel and a six is the puncher picks where to punch and punch harder than the other five rolls. Thus, a roll of a five and a six would mean below the navel receives six punches. A roll of a one and a four would mean above the navel would be punched four times. A roll of a six and a six means the puncher gets to punch anywhere on the on the receiver’s gut, but, the punches harder than the five rolls of the first die. You can take turns as to puncher and receiver or just mix that up by a flip of a coin as to who punches and who receives.
I had a contest a few years ago with a serious gut puncher up north where the receiver’s hands were tied to a spreader bar over our head while our feet were tied to an anchored spreader bar. While not fully stretched out the hands were high enough that we could not twist away easily form the incoming punch. We stood on a platform that was raised up off the floor about six inches. This platform places the gut of the receiver up higher so the puncher can punch more easily straight forward. We did this game nude with the rule that if you tried to turn your gut out of the way or asked to stop before your turn at taking the punches was complete, the puncher had the choice to moderately punch up onto the balls of the receiver or slap the usually erect cock quite hard. That really raises the stakes to take tougher gut beating or your cock and/or balls paid the price. The raised platform means the cock and balls are presented for easier upper-cuts and slaps. So you have a real rock-and-a-hard-place choice --- take the punches to your gut or take it to your manhood and jewels. I found I could take more gut pain when my genitals are at stake. When we finally ended my entire gut top to bottom and left to right had started to bruise with the lower gut severely bruised as the I lost the coin flip more frequently than not and the dice came up with many five and sixes and my opponent always choose the lower gut to punch when he could choose. I choose to just take the gut punishment because the punches up into the balls and hard slaps to the cock hurt so dam much more. The raised platform presents the cock and balls so invitingly that the hard impacts to them are so easy for the puncher. I had deep purple bruising to my gut for over two weeks and it ached to breathe anything more than shallowly.
What games have you done and endured?


Gutstrike (4)

26/3/2016 05:40

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How is for an approach?
I like gutpunchee46’s approach for use of smaller boxing gloves to deliver more defined punches. I wish to propose a slightly different approach for guys like me with a larger gut. I suggest the entire gut must be worked over and the puncher must show restraint in the early rounds of punching so the punchee’s gut is worn down evenly so that the ache slow sinks in deeper with each round of punches.

It my case I suggest seven areas to punch in the first round above the navel and to the right and left of that spot, directly on the navel and to the right and left of the navel, and below the navel. The puncher should punch straight into the always aiming for the spine itself. The punchee needs to take a minimum of 10 - 12 punches in each area of the gut with moderate power. That means 70 to 84 punches will be delivered in each round. Let the punchee rest a bit so the ache spreads throughout and sinks in.

Then start another round but this time the puncher blends in some punches with more power. Deliver a good hit a few inches right below the navel to finish the second round. If you don't get a offf sound on the ones a few inches below the navel you did not hit hard enough. Then based on how the reactions were then add 10 - 12 punches left and right below the navel. That brings you to nine areas to punch. Punch straight in to rock the abdominal muscle. This brings 90 – 108 punches for round two. Let the punchee rest a bit so the ache spreads throughout and sinks in and begin to seriously ache.

Now round three repeats round two on the nine areas with a few more punches with more power. Make the ache spread deeper and more pervasive breaking the abdominal muscle down all over with louder offf sounds on the ones below the navel.

After three rounds, the puncher gets to add more impacts to the areas he noticed got the biggest reaction and work those areas to his personal satisfaction, so he can have more fun.

The key is the moderate power of the punches slowly ramping up in each round with the 90 - 108 punches in rounds two on. Break down the entire abdominal wall rather than overwhelming a single portion of the gut.


Dzuk1 (2)

27/11/2015 10:58

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I had many thoughts about playing this game with the dice many moons ago:) never done it or tried it out but now you mention it again it sure does sound like fun.. not sure about the manhood parts though.. that's just me:)

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