Dad vs Dad

Lightweight dads

shortfighter (36)

13/9/2020 07:03

Well, that settles that. So there ARE lightweight dads! And lightweight dads with big mouths who wouldn't stand a chance against me. Thanks everyone!


OxfordToughman (1)

13/9/2020 17:29

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I can back up my mouth. Let me know when you want me to make you eat the mats. I have fierce leg power. We will see who gets controlled all over the mats and gets mounted.


ltwtveteran (21)

14/9/2020 23:18

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Yada yada yada. The best sleeper hold you have is running your mouth to bore me to sleep. <yawn>


the prize (3)

15/9/2020 04:32

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Please fight OxfordToughman over me dad


OxfordToughman (1)

15/9/2020 17:59

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When Covid is no longer an issue, ltwtveteran and I plan to square off. He and I have been wanting at each other for a long time.

With you as the prize, I will beat his ass and win you.


OxfordToughman (1)

15/9/2020 02:39

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You need to shut your mouth.


the prize (3)

15/9/2020 04:32

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Please fight ltwtveteran over me dad


ltwtveteran (21)

09/9/2020 17:29

Lightweight dad fights. Now you're talking. Hard enough to find an authentic lightweight, but a lightweight dad, now we're in a very exclusive environment. I loved being crushed by your legs when we met years ago, even if I did catch your cold in the process.


shortfighter (36)

13/9/2020 07:11

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You should see what I can do without a cold. My runner's legs will wrap around you again. What can we fight for?


the prize (3)

09/9/2020 18:06

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Would love to watch you and shortfighter go at it!


ltwtveteran (21)

10/9/2020 03:10

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I would love a rematch with him. 2 problems: Covid and distance.


shortfighter (36)

08/9/2020 06:07

Any lightweight dads out there? Under 145#? Wanna fight for the prize?


OxfordToughman (1)

09/9/2020 18:27

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Name the time and place.


ltwtveteran (21)

10/9/2020 03:12

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And I would dearly love a hairy chested match with you, my friend. I even have mats, now, not that we would use them.


hardonthemat (64)

10/9/2020 19:01

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Always UP to wrestle lightweight dads. Man 2 man. Have mats to host action. Bring it.


OxfordToughman (1)

10/9/2020 03:27

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Yeah. We won’t need mats. When Covid is no longer an issue, I’m coming there and whipping your ass 5 miles up one side of the road and 5 miles down the other side of the road.


the prize (3)

08/9/2020 13:49

(In reply to this)

Would love to have you fight hotprofanmuscle with me as the prize.

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