You bump your big hairy chest against his and say "so you think you're tough, huh?" "Yeah I'm tough. What's it to you?" "That's a friend of mine you just beat up." "So you want some of the same? Let's go!"
You're taller but he's a good 75 lbs beefier. His low center of gravity makes it easy for him to reach down, lift you up and bodyslam your back into the hard sand. The big man plants his foot deep into your gut. He grinds down on it. You struggle to get him off, punching at whatever you can reach. He laughs until one of your fists catches him in the balls. You shove him off, grab him in a headlock and take him down. As you squeeze the hell out him you drive your fist into his face over and over. He's flailing but can't break free.
You get on his chest and start pounding your fists into his face. At last the big man manages to push you off and get to his feet. There's blood in his eyes. He rushes at you and grabs you in his bearhug. He squeezes your chest into his like he's trying to end it, and you, right there. Your arms are free. You shove his face back and hit him with some good right jabs. He squeezes harder. But you keep punching until he lets go. You wrap your arms around him in a rear naked choke. He goes down. You've got your legs around him. Now you're the one that's doing the squeezing.
The big man struggles against the hold, but soon his arms get weak. The big man is out. You stand over him with a foot on his chest and flex. The crowd is in awe.
Having just spent a week at a NC beach, I always look at large groups with multiple tents and umbrellas. There is always one mature, beefy, tough looking man that is the clear alpha of the group. My imagination started to take over as I imagined a dispute between 2 groups - maybe the kids had an altercation, or 2 of the wives. Maybe some one was bothered by loud music or smoking. Regardless of the reason, it can quickly escalate to the alpha from each group first shouting, then quickly face to face, their big hairy chests bumping, and then, full scale brawl. Fists fly. They both end up In the sand. Rolling around, grunting and growling, back and forth. Then one of the men gets to his feet. Covered in sweat and sand, bloodied and bruised. But standing. The victor. He looks down and snarls at his opponent who lays motionless, also covered in sand, sweat and blood. Clearly the loser. A crowd has gathered and watched the brawl in awe. The beaten man was a friend of mine, so, I walk up to the victor, bump my big hairy chest against his, and say, “so you think you’re tough, huh?” Then…..?
The victor of the first fight is a bigger man. He's sweaty, bloody, bruised and tired. You give him a hard shove, block his first punch and plant your fist hard in his face. You throw another punch but he grabs the arm and throws his knee into your gut. He grabs you by the hair and lands an uppercut to your jaw. You step back. He grabs your legs and takes you down. Now you're the one rolling around, grunting and growling, back and forth with the big man. You find out how your friend felt as he was taking a beating. The fists are too big and the punches too hard. And too quickly to believe, it's over. You look up and see his snarling, sweaty, smug face. Once again he's proved himself the victor. Nothing you can do about it. But just take it.
That is certainly one way it could end. I don’t like to lose, and I don’t go down easy, but, if I lose to a tougher, stronger man, I take it like a man, and I’m pleased with myself for giving it my best.
the Enforcer (6)
05/8/2021 13:13You can dominate me anytime.
Regular guy (12)
16/7/2021 14:45Lots of ways this can end….
BamaJDon41 (10 )
17/7/2021 20:12(In reply to this)
You bump your big hairy chest against his and say "so you think you're tough, huh?" "Yeah I'm tough. What's it to you?" "That's a friend of mine you just beat up." "So you want some of the same? Let's go!"
You're taller but he's a good 75 lbs beefier. His low center of gravity makes it easy for him to reach down, lift you up and bodyslam your back into the hard sand. The big man plants his foot deep into your gut. He grinds down on it. You struggle to get him off, punching at whatever you can reach. He laughs until one of your fists catches him in the balls. You shove him off, grab him in a headlock and take him down. As you squeeze the hell out him you drive your fist into his face over and over. He's flailing but can't break free.
You get on his chest and start pounding your fists into his face. At last the big man manages to push you off and get to his feet. There's blood in his eyes. He rushes at you and grabs you in his bearhug. He squeezes your chest into his like he's trying to end it, and you, right there. Your arms are free. You shove his face back and hit him with some good right jabs. He squeezes harder. But you keep punching until he lets go. You wrap your arms around him in a rear naked choke. He goes down. You've got your legs around him. Now you're the one that's doing the squeezing.
The big man struggles against the hold, but soon his arms get weak. The big man is out. You stand over him with a foot on his chest and flex. The crowd is in awe.
Ringkampfgeil (6)
29/7/2021 19:02(In reply to this)
Yeah. Sehr gut beschrieben.
TinkoL (0)
22/7/2021 12:12(In reply to this)
thats a very exciting scenario!
Welshwaistcoat (2)
22/7/2021 12:16(In reply to this)
Happy to fight you sir. Anytime!
Welshwaistcoat (2)
21/7/2021 16:59(In reply to this)
Great scenario: Anyone man enough to fight on the nearest beach? There are plenty here in South Wales lol
Bring it on gents?
Regular guy (12)
21/7/2021 17:12(In reply to this)
I’d love to rumble with you on any beach we can find!
Welshwaistcoat (2)
22/7/2021 09:35(In reply to this)
I think that you`d regret it @RegularGuy, but dream on anyway
bigfootfighter (17)
22/7/2021 09:29(In reply to this)
Any Beach any time i challenge u to roll . Dad x dad
Welshwaistcoat (2)
22/7/2021 09:42(In reply to this)
Would be pleased to fight you @bigfootfighter
Regular guy (12)
17/7/2021 20:36(In reply to this)
I love that scenario! Thanks!!
ldwrester (6 )
17/7/2021 03:29(In reply to this)
Would like to find out how it would end between you and I
Regular guy (12)
17/7/2021 04:34(In reply to this)
I’d love to find out Big Guy!
ldwrester (6 )
20/7/2021 06:44(In reply to this)
Anytime stud
Regular guy (12)
16/7/2021 04:01Having just spent a week at a NC beach, I always look at large groups with multiple tents and umbrellas. There is always one mature, beefy, tough looking man that is the clear alpha of the group. My imagination started to take over as I imagined a dispute between 2 groups - maybe the kids had an altercation, or 2 of the wives. Maybe some one was bothered by loud music or smoking. Regardless of the reason, it can quickly escalate to the alpha from each group first shouting, then quickly face to face, their big hairy chests bumping, and then, full scale brawl. Fists fly. They both end up In the sand. Rolling around, grunting and growling, back and forth. Then one of the men gets to his feet. Covered in sweat and sand, bloodied and bruised. But standing. The victor. He looks down and snarls at his opponent who lays motionless, also covered in sand, sweat and blood. Clearly the loser. A crowd has gathered and watched the brawl in awe. The beaten man was a friend of mine, so, I walk up to the victor, bump my big hairy chest against his, and say, “so you think you’re tough, huh?” Then…..?
abyssguy (8)
16/7/2021 21:40(In reply to this)
VERY hot scene
BamaJDon41 (10 )
16/7/2021 06:40(In reply to this)
The victor of the first fight is a bigger man. He's sweaty, bloody, bruised and tired. You give him a hard shove, block his first punch and plant your fist hard in his face. You throw another punch but he grabs the arm and throws his knee into your gut. He grabs you by the hair and lands an uppercut to your jaw. You step back. He grabs your legs and takes you down. Now you're the one rolling around, grunting and growling, back and forth with the big man. You find out how your friend felt as he was taking a beating. The fists are too big and the punches too hard. And too quickly to believe, it's over. You look up and see his snarling, sweaty, smug face. Once again he's proved himself the victor. Nothing you can do about it. But just take it.
Regular guy (12)
16/7/2021 14:53(In reply to this)
That is certainly one way it could end. I don’t like to lose, and I don’t go down easy, but, if I lose to a tougher, stronger man, I take it like a man, and I’m pleased with myself for giving it my best.
the Enforcer (6)
01/8/2021 17:24(In reply to this)
This scenario makes me horny.
Regular guy (12)
05/8/2021 00:29(In reply to this)
Hey Big Guy. Wouldn’t you prefer the scenario where I am the victor?💪