Medical question
An opponent told me that twisting the balls from behind in a certain way can make it so that even though your tail is still working afterwards, you can't produce any more kids. It is a very effective way of bloodless castration. Is all this true, please?
Would you be so kind to explain it to me here ?
Thank you very much in advance
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Gusta1999 (0)
11/4/2024 17:00Isn't that kind of a weird question? I mean why do you wanna know that
fighterlluitador (4)
10/4/2024 16:57Medical question
An opponent told me that twisting the balls from behind in a certain way can make it so that even though your tail is still working afterwards, you can't produce any more kids. It is a very effective way of bloodless castration. Is all this true, please?
Would you be so kind to explain it to me here ?
Thank you very much in advance Please log in to view gallery photos.