Bigger VS Smaller Matches

use me fore fun big guy

wressinglet (16)

15/9/2013 03:10

I would like to be a body builder's squeeze toy in his head and body scissors. No tap outs. Escape or wait to be released. K


NWJobber84 (4)

30/8/2013 21:47

I love being thrown around by a big guy. I like and can take being lifted and thrown by my neck, ears etc. I can take a good trampling too


tacuma36 (0)

13/11/2012 22:20

Im a not so very big and not so very strong guy who wants to fight with a big strong muscleman. If you are a big strong bodybuilder who allso like to fight- pleaze invite me to be your punchingbag and opponent. I like to be beaten up. Loves to be boxed by a strong big guy with boxinggloves, loves to be trampled and jumped on ! Can take really heavy guys to trample and jump on me ! (upto 150 kg ! ) Like to take punishment, but no injuries !!! But much pain !

So if you are very big and strong, pleaze invite me to a "crushinghour".

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