Was thinking of getting a few ppl together for some armwrestling and was wondering how many would be interested before setting anything down in stone like dates etc.
Am very interested too - how and where would it take place - would it be an eliminator by draw or would we get to arm wrestle everyone and eliminate the 2 who won the least bouts?
Strongarmedhulk2015 (10)
26/9/2015 04:23Anywhere Chestertom goes I want it ogl he sounds proper competition
ArmwrestleAndMore (163 )
05/7/2015 11:46Sounds ideal
bigbear (8 )
06/7/2015 09:12(In reply to this)
Make it start August
bigbear (8 )
06/7/2015 09:12(In reply to this)
Make weekend it
ArmwrestleAndMore (163 )
05/7/2015 11:03Me too, when you thinking of?
ArmwrestlemeNW (1 )
05/7/2015 11:23(In reply to this)
Possibly some time in August.
Strongarmedhulk (3)
05/7/2015 07:59I'd def travel up for it
ArmwrestlemeNW (1 )
05/7/2015 04:40Hey guys,
Was thinking of getting a few ppl together for some armwrestling and was wondering how many would be interested before setting anything down in stone like dates etc.
chestertom (7)
25/7/2015 01:01(In reply to this)
Am very interested too - how and where would it take place - would it be an eliminator by draw or would we get to arm wrestle everyone and eliminate the 2 who won the least bouts?