
Rixator is recommended by Fighterfufu (4/14/2019)

Grappler34 est une belle personne même en dehors des tapis.
Fait preuve de beaucoup de techniques.
N'hésite à en redemander pour progresser.
Grappler34 est très costeau, mais les combats avec lui procurent de bonnes suées dans la rigolade et la bonne humeur
Je recommande grandement
A revoir très très vite.


sep65 is recommended by luttesympa (4/14/2019)

Quelle belle rencontre avec ce lutteur d'une grande gentillesse et d'un fair-play exceptionnel ! Sep65 a du talent, de la force, de la technique. C'est un régal ! Et en dehors du tapis aussi. Il. Faut peu de temps pour qu'il devienne un ami. A rencontrer absolument !


tallfitldn is recommended by DenverWrestler (4/14/2019)

This guy is one of the most promising newcomers that I've met on MF in a long time He's tall, lean, reliable, strong arms, legs, and grip, and has the enthusiasm and motivation to improve his skills and become a very tough submission grappler. He thinks he should be a jobber because he's new to the site and doesn't have formal training, but he's way too tough and strong to ever be a jobber, and I can imagine him becoming a winning submission/BJJ grappler once he gains more skill. Off the mats he's a very interesting, articulate, professional guy and a welcoming host. We grappled some, did some skill training, and talked for even longer, and I am quite confident in saying that this is a top quality guy who will become a top wrestler. Obviously a top recommendation too.


MKell is recommended by wrst09 (4/14/2019)

Words that come to mind: powerful, skilled, strong, deliberate, aggressive and fun. He was so easy to coordinate with, was a gracious host, and found a way for both of us to have fun and get in a great workout despite our differences in skill and size. He’s an aggressive and cerebral competitor that should be taken very seriously. Also greatly appreciate the tips he gave me. Highly recommend- you will have a great time with his gentleman!


sagittaron2 is recommended by wrestlutte (4/14/2019)

Ne jamais croire qu’un petit gabarit est battu d’avance.
Explosif, tel est Sagittaron. Il est puissant, tenace, volontaire, il n’abandonne pas ou si peu.
Encore un peu d’entrainement sur la précision de ses prises, et beaucoup de lutteur se retrouveront vaincus. Excellent esprit et loyal au combat, j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à combattre Sagittaron, tout comme les échanges de techniques.
En dehors du tapis, c’est un homme passionné et passionnant, il est à l’aise sur bien des sujets.
Il est rare de rencontrer quelqu’un d’aussi agréable.
Merci pour ton accueil et à bientôt !
N’hésitez surtout pas à rencontrer Sagittaron


madeincanada is recommended by vanarmbar (4/14/2019)

Great guy - good fun to wrestle and respects boundaries. Highly recommended.


Judo Bear is recommended by marko75 (4/14/2019)

Nun hat es auf der Matte vom Sportynord geklappt und wir konnten endlich spielen. Mit fightinms hatte ich eine SCHWERE Aufgabe vor mir. Judo_Bear hat noch gut Erfahrung vom Judo und konnte sich daher sehr gut wehren. Körperlich war ich deutlich unterlegen und gab dennoch mein Bestes. Er taute sich immer mehr von Kampf zu Kampf. Die Runden wurden immer härter und wir konnten gegenseitig schön mit Dominanz spielen. Es war ein schönes Treffen, schließlich schreiben wir schon so lange. Es hat mich sehr gefreut, dass du nach Hildesheim gekommen bist. Ich freue mich auch schon auf die nächsten Runden, dann verhau den kleinen Bären und zeig deine Dominanz. 🧸😋😘


DenverWrestler is recommended by tallfitldn (4/14/2019)

Had a great roll today with one of the giants from MF. Denverwrestler’s skill and experience was evident from the start and he had me in some tight holds! My instinct is to fight back and Denverwrestler felt I wasn’t the jobber I made out to be. On reflection, he’s right. I really appreciated him showing me some attack moves and how to correctly apply various chokes. All in all, a fascinating and easy guy to talk to and formidable in a wrestle. I couldn’t recommend Denverwrestler more. We hope to battle again later in the year.


suig is recommended by Alan2005sg (4/14/2019)

I met Suig during my short stay in Hong Kong.
Suig is lean & strong; fun & friendly.
He knew how to take advantage from his long limbs and toned body over me. Our match came with a lot of back & fro. He caught me into countless of body scissors, headlocks or arm on throat chokes. I have to struggle a lot to escape them. That's fun.
Don't hesitate meeting him when he visits your city or you visit San Francisco.


Alex333 is recommended by Link (4/14/2019)

My first international fight ! After several months of chat we finally meet in Nice.
Alex333 is a fast and powerful wrestler with a good stamina. It was a hot and fun fight.
Off the mat he is a very friendly and careful man.
I hope his ears have not been damaged by my poor english !
Très bonne recommandation.
